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Prompt: Castiel is acting... strange. (takes place in Season 8)

Castiel sighed despondently as he gazed out on the horizon. He heard a car door slam behind him and frowned, his stomach plummeting. No.

He knew exactly who it was. He could feel their soul radiating from their body, growing closer as they approached. What a wonderful soul it was, occupying a form that matched its beauty, both that he did not wish to harm. He knew there was something wrong with him, he just didn't know what. Until he knew, he wanted to keep away from the breath-taking creature that stood behind him. He wanted them to be safe, so he'd fled. He'd hid.

"Found you," he heard (Y/N) say.

His eyes fell to the ground, clenching his fists in silent frustration. "I told you to stay away."

She approached him steadily, brows furrowed. "And yet you never told me why. What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Where are Sam and Dean?" he interrogated, dodging the question.

"They don't know I'm here if that's why you're wondering." She tilted her head slightly. "Why are you out here? Better yet, why didn't you answer my calls or texts? It's been days. I'm lucky I even found you."

The angel suddenly found himself in a room of white and glass. A woman sat across from him, her hands folded on the desk, her expression calm.

No. Not a woman. An angel.

Memories came flooding back all at once; every puzzle piece he had been missing fell into place. He glared at the celestial being in anger, gripping the armrests of his chair. "I won't do it."

"You will," Naomi demanded. "Heaven needs to see that they must fall in line. And that means ridding of all who assisted those who have rebelled."

The blade of angels fell from Castiel's sleeve. He gripped it tight.

"Cass?" The human's voice sounded muffled in his ears. "Is something wrong?"

"Now kill her."

(Y/N) gasped and stepped back as her companion swung a knife at her, narrowly dodging the blade. She looked at him in disbelief, mumbling his name in confusion.

His expression was blank as he swiped again, grabbing her arm and pinning it behind her back, the blade to her throat. She managed to break loose, however and kicked him away. "Cass, what—" She had to duck before she could finish, swiping her leg under his feet and knocking him down and climbed over him to try and hold him down. "Hey! What the hell are you doing? It's me!"

He easily knocked her off and slashed once more, causing her to recoil in shock. A sharp sting erupted from her arm. She hissed and clutched it briefly, checking her hand to see red. She looked up at him with wide eyes.

Fearful eyes.

He slammed his hands on the table. "Stop this!"

"This is your mission, Castiel. You cannot fail."

A fist connected to her jaw and sent her stumbling back. She caught her balance only to see another one flying at her face.

"She's not a threat. You know she isn't."

"Even so, she's becoming suspicious of you. We cannot risk being discovered."

"Maybe she has a right to be," the angel growled.

Naomi calmly stood from her chair and leaned across the table. "This is for the good of Heaven, Castiel. You must understand this."

Her adrenaline was ebbing away.

The blade sliced her flesh again and again. His fist hit her in the stomach, the face, the ribs, but she refused to fight back.

She struggled to recover from the last strike, wobbling slightly when she was suddenly whisked off the ground and thrown against a tree, crumbling to the earth. She managed to hold her weight on her hands and knees, tasting a common metal in her mouth. She winced as her head was tugged back forcefully.

He stared down with a blank expression, raising the weapon to deliver the final blow.

"Cass... wait." (Y/N) raised a trembling hand and gently wrapped her fingers around his wrist, squeezing gently. "Please."

He seemed to freeze like a statue, expression unchanged.

She noticed something unfamiliar about his eyes. They were empty, far away, glazed over. Her brows furrowed slightly. "What happened to you?"

"She has betrayed Heaven by assisting the rebellion. She must face the consequences."

He clenched his fists. "So will you, once everyone realizes that you've killed an innocent human."

She rolled her eyes. "Like who? God? He doesn't care about us. If He did, He wouldn't have left us. He wouldn't have abandoned us."

"You're not Castiel," the (h/c/n) croaked.

"I won't harm her."

"You will."

"What did you do to him?"

"Now do it."

(Y/N) saw the blade coming down and shut her eyes tight, ready for the blow, too drained to fight back. The wind caressed her cheek. She heard a thunk! and winced.

The pain never came.

Her eyes fluttered open, widening to see the angel hunched next to her, his knuckles white as he gripped the heavenly blade that penetrated the soil, driving it deeper into the earth. She noticed his breathing was heavy, almost forced, his jaw tight. She hesitantly rested a hand on his shoulder. "Cass?"

"Go." His voice was strained as if he were fighting something off, holding something back.

Her brows knitted together in worry. "Cass—"

"Leave me."

Her hand retracted to avoid being cut by his tone. She rose to her feet and backed away with a concerned frown. She opened her mouth but decided against speaking and limped away, but not before peeking over her shoulder.

Naomi glared but said nothing, settling back into her chair. "That will be all, Castiel," she drawled, his name taking more effort to say.

The angel blinked owlishly as he rose to full height. His eyes scanned his surroundings in confusion before trailing down to the hand that held the weapon of Heaven.

There was red on the blade. Blood.

Dread settled in his stomach as bits and pieces fell into place, but not all of them. He only remembered her face, her confusion, her fear, her pain.

Her pain.

The blood on the blade, his blade—it was hers. He had caused her pain.

Castiel dropped the knife as if it had burned him, horrified by his actions. He had tried to kill her. He didn't know why, but he had.

She was gone now.

She was safe from him.

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