I forgot about Tyler! 😂

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Ok so here's for all you tøp fans out there! For those of you who don't know twenty one pilots is a band and I was obsessed with them in 8th grade! I did this one in art class and I was super super proud of it (and still am. It's one of the best things I've drawn to date.) I also took like FOREVER on it it took my hours but I still love it here ya go

I drew it with a grid and a reference and it took me hours like I said but it's still one of the best things I've ever drawn

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I drew it with a grid and a reference and it took me hours like I said but it's still one of the best things I've ever drawn. It was hung in the hallways because it was for an art project in art class and I mean, I'm not trying to brag here but it was clearly one of the best two in the entire hallway. My art teacher couldn't stop talking about it 😂 (The other really good one belonged to my friend and it was good too they were probably about the same level.)

Also for those of you who don't know this is Tyler Joseph he's the singer in tøp! I still like their music it's just I'm not like obsessed with them anymore. Now I like mcr and p!atd and a ton of other stuff but yeah

Also I'm obsessed with Sokeefe

But you already knew that

Also do you wanna see a really bad sketch I did when I was mad about the hands on the sokeefe art I posted earlier? No you didn't but here it is anyways

Also do you wanna see a really bad sketch I did when I was mad about the hands on the sokeefe art I posted earlier? No you didn't but here it is anyways

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I was very upset and angry and I drew those hands (I thought the one on the left actually turned out ok considering it took me .2 seconds) but I wrote STUPID FREAKING HANDS because I was super angry

Ok I've updated like 3 times today and I'm really hyper so I'm going to bed now! Byeeee!!

Just some random art I madeWhere stories live. Discover now