Look it's Keefe 😍

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Hello anyone who might be here! Of course as you can see this is my first time publishing anything so here I am.

So what happened is I was really bored late tonight and I was just like, I should draw Keefe! So I did, and here he is

So what happened is I was really bored late tonight and I was just like, I should draw Keefe! So I did, and here he is

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TA DAAA!!! It's the one and only, Keefe Sencen!!!

So it's not my best, but I'm actually kind of happy with him. I mean just look at that little smug smirk 😏 Just ignore the lines from the line paper (yes, he is on the back of my old geography notes 🙄 which is why I'm mad because I should've drawn him in my sketchbook)

I used a little bit of inspiration from Laura Hollingsworth's Keefe portrait to do the cape because I was struggling a little with that part, but his beautiful face and The Hair (which is kinda meh) together make my interpretation of Keefe.

Let's just say there was homework I should've done tonight instead.... that still hasn't gotten done..........😬 oh well it was worth it, if I had done it earlier this Keefe wouldn't exist 😂

So let me know what you all think! Looking back again I'm very happy with him, just mad that I was stupid and drew him in my darn geography notes where I can't keep him forever 😭

Also do any of you guys have the issue where you draw something like on your homework or something and it looks great but then you draw something in your sketchbook and it looks like utter trash? Because that happens to me all the time it's really annoying 😂

So there you have it! Also shoutout to Sunflower10333 for unintentionally giving me the idea to do this! I'll probably upload something tomorrow I have something in mind but if I don't then I don't know when. We'll see.

Au revoir mes amis!

Just some random art I madeWhere stories live. Discover now