Cuts and bruises hurt me as much as words do

205 12 1

October 10

Another day of a boring routine. Wake up, shower, get dressed, look in the mirror and tell yourself you are useless, eat breakfast, cut your arm, and walk to school. Not a day went by without F/n getting some comments on her appearance, her personality, whatever she did she couldn't seem to get away from it all. Her parents basically abandoned her and she was made fun for that, why though? The chat was blowing up as per usual, but F/n was ghosting.

F/n Hadn't answered all day, most were getting suspicious, hell even Bakugo was somewhat worried.

*location sent*

*seen by Bby_Bakugo;-;*

*message unsent*

Oh wait sorry didn't mean to send
that ahaha.

*seen by Bby_Bakugo;-;*

"So what do you say F/n? You'll stay away from him, right?" The leader of the group spoke. You're probably thinking, what the fuck is she on about. My one friend. I'm not well liked and my only friend was somewhat popular. And these girls don't want a nobody like me to bring down his reputation. Another kick to my ribs a brought down. 'Ouch, that's gonna leave a bruise.' For what seemed like hours F/b was getting beaten for hanging around her friend. Until, they stopped,
"Hoped you learned your lesson you worthless piece of shit." The leader and her lackies laughed at F/n, walking away. F/n got up and started to leave campus. As she walked out the gate she bumped into someone.
"Bakugo? Why are you here? Ahah." F/n spoke, trying to put some fake cheer on. He grabbed her chin and lifted it up, he narrowed his eyes.
"Cut the shit, where did the bruise and cut come from?." He glared at her, F/n was quick to answer
"Oh ahah I just fell, it's not that big of a deal."
Bakugo didn't buy it, yet didn't press on further.
"God, do I have to start babysitting your clumsy ass? Tsk" he grabbed her wrist. This wasn't their first run in, they've bumped into each other getting boba. He walked away with her, walking in the direction of a cafe.

It wasn't the the last time Bakugo had started checking up on her during the week after school. A lot of the time he would see her with cuts and bruises. When he was busy he would send someone to check up on her for him. Sometimes when he went others would tag along. Bakugo had become a sort of big brother figure to her (oof man). The bullying got progressively worse.
"I bet she payed them to fuck."
"Hahah, she wouldn't be able to afford it, besides, she's probably is selling herself to pay the bills. Mommy and Daddy aren't there to take care of her worthless ass."

When Bakugo came to pick her up again. She was gonna ask him to stop checking on her. She wasn't sure how it was going to go down. They were walking through an abandoned park at the time.
"What squirt." He answered back
"Can you stop checking in on me?" He quickly turned to her quickly.
"What? Why?" She sighed and nervously spit out her fake reason
"Because, I'm fine. I can take care of myself." This wasn't like her, he grabbed her collar of her shirt and glared her in the eyes.
"What's the damn real fucking reason." He scowled
"I-I just told you." She nervously stood her ground.
"CUT THE SHIT!" She felt her eyes water. 'No you stupid bitch, don't cry don't cry don't cry. Not in front of everyone.' She had thought, she snapped.
"THE RUMORS! THE RUMORS ABOUT ME!" The tears started falling.
"I CAN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE! THEY SAY THAT IM A SLUT, A WHORE, I PAY FOR SEX, I SELL MYSELF TO PAY THE BILLS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS TO HEAR THAT BAKUGO! IT HURTS WHEN THEY SAY IT TO MY FACE! IT HURTS WHEN THEY BEAT ME!" It was silent other the ugly cry session F/n was having. He let go of her collar. He was hesitant, but then pulled her close.
"No way in hell you're going to school tomorrow."
"Bu-" she tried to protest but was quickly shut down.
"Shut up."

Listen up fuckers
We have a couple extras to
beat up.

3:55 pm

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