His Heart

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Hoi! I'm Okitem! Okitem the Temmie! Haha, Undertale.

(y/n)'s POV

I was standing right in front of Vaati, er, Akuma. I looked into his eyes, and he stared back, a bit startled, perhaps afraid.

I knew. I knew that Vaati was still in there, and I knew that I could reach out to him.

"Vaati..." I whispered.

"I told you! I'm not Vaati!" Akuma snapped.

I shook my head. And then, I did something nobody would have expected.

I hugged him. In this form.

"Please... come back... I know you're in there... somewhere... I just have to find you... Vaati... I'm begging you... come back... I know you can fight Akuma. I know you can..." I wept. "So please... come back to us..."

In Vaati's Mind, Vaati's POV

I floated in the darkness, looking up. I saw a small glint of light, and I heard (y/n)'s voice. She was... telling me to fight Akuma...

The light returned to my eyes, and I burst out of the darkness.

The Real World, (y/n)'s POV

Vaati's body shakes. I look up, and he staggers back, holding his head. I gasp, stumbling forward. His hair was no longer covering his eye. One was red, while the other was yellow. I knew that he was trying to fight back.

I knelt by him, and I used my power to help him fight.

Meanwhile, Link threw the Yiga assassin off the edge.

In Vaati's Mind, Vaati's POV

I ran through the darkness, fighting my way through the monsters, but something odd happened. Blue chains came from nowhere, and they constricted the monsters before dissolving. When each one perished, a blue orb of light floated towards me, and it healed my wounds.

I suspected that (y/n) was helping me. I smiled at the star of light above my head, and i continued through the dark corridors of my mind.

I came to the main chamber of my mind, and there, I encountered my dark side.

"Akuma! Face me, if you dare! Right now, I have (y/n)'s support!" I yelled.

Akuma simply looked over his shoulder, and shrugged. "Support? Really?"

"Yes, really! She has faith in me! Faith that I'll come back to her. And I will not waste the faith she has in me. It's almost like we're two halves of one soul- one pure of heart, and one tainted with evil intent. I have to fight you, if I'm ever to return to her, so face me, or surrender and accept defeat."

"You really think I'll accept defeat? You truly don't know me. Still, I feel pity for you."

"Just shut up!!" I snapped, charging at him with my sword in hand.

He dodged, and stood behind me, refusing to look me in the eye.

I turned around, and I backed away. He turned to face me, and I saw his eyes. They were filled with sadness and regret.

I looked at him in confusion, and he lowered his head.

"Why? What are your motives, trying to take me over?" I mumbled.

"I only wanted people to respect you... but as you were fighting my monsters, I saw (y/n) standing next to you... I rubbed my eyes at this, and she was gone, but blue chains were constricting the monsters I summoned. How is she so pure, and kindhearted?"

I stood in silence, and stared at my other half.

"Well... She's just like that. She likes to look for the best in people. She doesn't just assume for no good reason. She was anxious at first, but she got to know me, and now, well, you can see for yourself on this topic. We love and trust each other, and we try our best to cooperate. On top of that, she can purify the souls of monsters, such as that Octorok, Oko. She is walking proof that it isn't about power- it's about heart."

Akuma stood quietly at the center of the floor. He looked up, and smiled as he began to disappear.

"Wha-?" I started.

"I'll be back someday... But by then, I will have changed... Goodbye, Vaati..." He murmured.

I stood there, and I took my body back.

The Real World, Vaati's POV

I woke up with a gasp, and (y/n) was smiling at me, and hugging me, as her ears flattened against her head. I raised my hand to her soft ears, and petted her head.

"Vaati... I thought you were gone..." She sobbed.

"I was... for a little while, at least. Still, you were there for me, even in my mind." I replied.

"Yeah... I was using some of my power to help you."

"Well, it worked!" I laughed. "Anyways, I was fighting, so you could see me again."

"Vaati... Thank you!"

She threw herself into my arms once more, and I hugged her tight. When I opened my eyes, Link and Zelda were smiling quite a but.

"What? Oh, never mind..." I remembered that Link and Zelda shipped us... (y/n) and the rest of us cleaned up the orchard, and I replanted the grass, and any damaged flowers.

(y/n)'s POV

At the end of the day, we said goodbye to Link and Zelda, and we went to Elzo, the village elder.

Although, when we entered the tent, Elzo was laughing. "Hello, it is quite an honor to have the king and future queen in my humble home!"

(y/n) blushed, and hid behind me. I petted her head, and smiled. "He's going to help me, okay?"

I nodded, and stepped back. Vaati walked forward, and sat down.

"How may I help you, my dear pupil?" Ezlo asked.

"It's... something that's been disturbing me for awhile. I apparently have... a dark side? I don't know, but he's been influencing me, and before a little incident in the woods, I was having nightmares about him. He calls himself Akuma, actually. He disappeared, but he said that he would be back, but he decided to change. I don't know if he means it, and it feels odd to me...."

Ezlo closed his eyes, and soon gave us a very odd answer.

"You see, Vaati... I don't know how to explain this to you..." Ezlo sighed.

He stared at him, waiting for an answer.

"Vaati, you have the Spirit of Chaos sealed within you."

Vaati and I stared at him in shock. "WHAT?!!" We yelled.

"I'm sorry, but it's true. Remember the story I told you, Vaati? I shall now re-tell it to you, so you and (y/n) may understand.

"Five hundred years ago, there lived a young Picori, the student of my great-great-great grandfather. He was a kind young man... Until the day he learned of the power he could obtain. He became corrupt, and eventually, the villagers sealed him away. When you were overtaken by your desire to steal the Cap of Wishes, I became certain- you were being influenced by the Spirit of Chaos."

Vaati froze, and looked down...

"But why..?" He choked out.

"Because we believed that you could supress him- and now, with the invaluable help from (y/n), you have convinced the Spirit of Chaos to try to change. All with the power of your hearts."

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