Heart and Soul

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It's me, Oki! Anyways, Vaati and (y/n) were just told that Vaati was thought to be able to suppress the Spirit of Chaos... 

Let's see what happens...

Vaati's POV

I couldn't believe what I have just been told. 

I had hosted the Spirit of Chaos within myself, and suppressed him for all those years...

I stared at the floor, and Ezlo patted my shoulder.

"Vaati, my student, it will be alright. You are a very pure person, and I know that you will rule Skyloft with kindness and wisdom. Just as I taught you." Master Ezlo smiled. "I know that you are a good person, and I know that it is not your fault that you were doing those things."

"But... I thought I was evil for so long... At that time, I wanted power so badly, I stole this cap from you, just so I could be, 'strong', when I wasn't."

"My pupil, you are indeed strong. Now, go home with your head held high."

(y/n) took my hand, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled, and kissed her on the forehead as we went back to the castle.

She was playing around, and she transformed into a fox, jumping onto my head. I guess she was trying to be playful so that I would cheer up a little. And it did work, but I just had too much on my mind.

She sighed, and transformed back into her usual form.

"Vaati... I know that he's bad, but you are the kindest, most loving person I've ever met." She whispered. Remember how we met in the first place? I used to be a nervous wreck, who only felt comfortable surrounded by trees, and playing music. Then you came along, and helped me. I'm truly grateful Vaati. You helped me overcome my fear. And now, it's my turn to help you with yours."

I smiled, and petted her head.

"Sorry. It's just a lot to take in for me. I knew I used to be, uh, evil, but I never knew about this. Still, I'm glad that I was able to confront him."

"Yeah! We showed him!"

I took her hand, and kissed her on the lips, blushing. I led her to the tower, and I told her to look out the window.

Instead, though, she hopped out of it, and beckoned for me to follow. I leaped out the window, and looked for (y/n). She wasn't there at first. Then, at the top of the main tower, I spotted her.

I raced across the castle roof, and climbed up to where she was. She was playing such a familiar tune, and then I realized what she was playing. The very song from when we first met.

She smiled, and hopped off the turret, onto the main roof, and onto the ground. She beckoned once more, and I followed. She brought me to the island filled with crystal flowers, where we first kissed. Was she... trying to get me to remember everything I had done for her and my kingdom?

She then led me to the village, and climbed up onto the roof of one of the houses. She took my hand and brought me to our final location- the waterfall base.

When I got there, there was a surprise floating on the center of the pool. (y/n) gestured for me to touch it, so I did. When it opened, a magical aura surrounded us, and they showed me my memories, showing me who I was.

Images of me, (y/n), and everyone smiling, (y/n) playing her enchanting music, everything.

At this I smiled, and wiped a few tears from my eyes. 

And when I lifted my head, (y/n) was right there, smiling at me.

(y/n)'s POV

I stood there, smiling at Vaati, as he remembered who he truly was.

He wasn't mean, or evil.

He was a kindhearted, caring person, just like any of us. He says that he isn't human, but he is more human than any of us ever will be. He never hurt anyone, and never will. 

This was who he really is.

He wiped a few tears from his cheeks, and lifted his head to see my face.

"Thank you..." He sniffled.

"Of course. I knew that you weren't evil, Vaati. You're the kindest person I've ever met. I know for a fact that you wouldn't do those things from your own free will. Okay?" I replied.

He didn't respond. Instead, he pulled me into his arms, and hugged me tight, and I nuzzled my head into his chest. He petted my head, and we went back home, the weight lifted off of our shoulders. He was finally back to normal.

He looked over at the corner, at the instrument I had made. He looked at me, and I knew exactly what he was about to say.

"(y/n), c-can we perform a song? I-In the village?" He asked, a little nervous.

"Of course!" I grinned. "I have just the song!" 

I rummaged through my song papers, and pulled it out.

"Remember this one, Vaati? We sang it together the day I finished this thing." I smiled.

He read over the paper, and his eyes brightened. "Of course I do!" Vaati said.

"Then let's go!" I exclaimed, carrying my instrument, the music, and a music stand for Vaati.

I set my musical instrument on the plaza grounds, and helped Vaati get set up.

Then, in a matter of moments, we began to play.

The tune of my music flowed through the town, and Vaati's voice was in close harmony with my melody. We played our music so well and passionately, we hardly noticed the growing crowd around us. 

Although, when we finished, it was a different story.

When we ended our song, we heard an applause, and cheering coming from all around us.

We looked around to see the residents of the village around us, smiling and cheering. In fact, Aria went up to me, and gave me a huge hug, telling me that she was so proud of me for coming out of my shell.

Still, I knew for a fact that music wasn't just a tune. Not just something pretty to listen to.

It was an art, a technique.

Something you can use to make people smile.

Still, music was more than just this.

It was your heart and soul.

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