Why did you tell me? ~ kaneki x reader

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The alley was alone dark and cold no one was inside we'll there was "people" I guess you could say but that didn't matter ((y/n)) walked down the street as you sighed today you where gonna meet your friend / crush kaneki you smile and waits for him when suddenly behide your was a figure smirking in the shadows "hello doll~" someone called turning you see a man with blonde hair he had a brief case you have heard of them before "um.. Hello.." You said softly the man smirks "you shouldn't be out here there's ghouls here you know ~?" Looking up ((y/n)) eyes widen "um... I.." Shit you thought what could you do "oh look at the time I must go!!" ((Y/n)) ran off your eyes widen as you looked back suddenly feeling a warm chest hit you shit another ghoul?! Turning around you saw white hair his eyes black his Orb bright red as his mask covered most of face he leaned down to your ear and whispered "please do as I say as look forward whatever you do stay like that you may see darkness but don't worry trust me..." He said sweetly with no hesitation how could you trust some stranger ?! But you wanted to live he then put his arms around you holding you as you then felt ......protected as he guy turns the corner with a smirk the white haired ghoul then put his hand over your eyes you where scared nervous ever since you where small you had a fear then hearing a voice say "don't be sacred I'm right here " it then calmed you down your hands joined his ((y/n)) did as he said you could hear nothing but the wind and the sound of the ghouls heart finally after a few moments his hand was off of your eyes looking back there was the ghoul looking back at him he looked at you and said "I should have told you sooner but I was scared and don't get mad at me...." You raised a eyebrow what dose he mean you thought the ghoul took off his mask as your ((e/c)) widen seeing it was kaneki?! He looked at you sadly without hesitation you ran and hugged him tightly "kaneki.... Thank you ..." You said softly kaneki looked at you confused "I thought you would hate me ((y/n))..." He said (( y/n)) held him tighter "why would I..... You wanted to protect who you loved .." ((Y/n)) said softly kaneki smilies softly holding your chin as tears went down your eyes as kaneki's lips touched yours it was like if your perfect for each other he had protected you and you wanted the same since that day you and kaneki have been closer then ever he protect you as he did the same and that fear was cursed after that you where happy with him and you always loved kaneki no matter what... What could happen .....right?..... ((I might make a part two since of the second season but I don't know what do you think dreamers?))

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