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Ben Hur Character List

Judah Ben-Hur
A Jewish prince of Jerusalem who is descended from a royal family of Judaea; son of Ithamar; enslaved by the Romans and later becomes a charioteer and follower of Christ.

Mother of Judah Ben-Hur

Judah's younger sister

A loyal Jewish servant to Ithamar, Judah's birth father; becomes a wealthy merchant in Antioch.

Modest daughter of Simonides; she becomes Judah's wife and the mother of his children. Wallace named this fictional character after his own mother, Esther French (Test) Wallace.

Simonides servant; becomes Judah's friend.

An Egyptian slave; former maid in the Ben-Hur household family.

A Roman nobleman and the son of a Roman tax collector; Judah's boyhood friend and rival.

Roman governor

Valerius Gratus
The fourth imperial (Roman) procurator of Judea. Judah is falsely accused of attempting to assassinate him.

Quintus Arrius
Roman warship commander; Judah saves him from drowning; Arrius adopts Judah as his son, making him a freedman, a Roman citizen, and Arius's heir.

An Egyptian; one of the biblical Magi; along with Melchior, a Hindu, and Gaspar, a Greek, who came to Bethlehem to witness the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

Sheik Ilderim
Ilderim—an Arab who agrees to let Judah race his chariot at Antioch.

Pontius Pilate
Replaces Valerius Gratus as procurator (prefect); releases Judah's mother and sister from imprisonment in a Roman prison.

A Northman hired by Messala to kill Judah; double-crosses Messala and lets Judah live.

Jesus of Nazareth
Son of God; Christ; King of the Jews; son of Mary.

Mother of Jesus; wife of Joseph of Nazareth.

Joseph of Nazareth
A Jewish carpenter; husband of Mary, the father of Jesus Christ.

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