
13 2 2

"Ethan, Grab the knife out of my bag!"  I motioned my hand towards

He paused for a moment and looked around the room, eyes widened. Then it clicked in his mind that our whole "Undercover; gig was up.
He rummaged through the gray and coral bookbag, before revealing a shiny sigil covered knife with a rustic wood handle.
"Here Catch!" He carefully tossed me he knife, as I skillfully caught it with my right hand.

I looked at Ethan as I grasped the wooden handle, his eyes were glossy. As he looked at a seemingly lifeless girl in his arms.
Her pulse was weak, and her breathing was labored.
"What is going on here?!" the teacher spoke up, clearly distraught.
"Demons, that's what is going on here." An unfamiliar female voice responded.
My head whipped around toward the sound, and Ethan eyes followed.

It was the girl who was originally across the room with the pocket knife. Her brown hair in a neat ponytail, and a golden-brown strand on each side of her face.

The girl had piercing green eyes, and a serious look on her face. I felt as those something about her was off yet couldn't tell.
'My Name is Neveah, (Nah-vey-ah). I'm a hunter too," She unhinged her pocket knife from her belt loop. Quickly swinging it into her hand.

Ethan looked at me, then back at the girl.
"Really? Well then we could use your help right about now" he stated, happy that they may have another team member on their side
I wasn't quite sure about this new girl
"Oh yeah? how come I've never seen you around here before?" I questioned her sternly, a smirk painted across my lips.
"We moved around a lot, my father decided to leave the life. I on the other hand did not, against his wishes of course."
She answered sarcastically, waving the knife around as she spoke.
I nodded, still feeling the dreaded pit in my stomach.
"Come on, I know this school like the back of my hand. I know where to go" Neveah explained

"Yeah and so do I" I quipped with slight venom laced in my words, this girl may be a hunter, but I don't trust her quite yet.
"Well I think, regardless of who knows best. That we need to get the hell out of here!"
Ethan interrupted, clearly
motioning toward veronica. Whose pulse was fading by the minute.

My phone buzzed, then began to ring.
I quickly answered the pending call.

"Hello, Dad?" my breath sped up

"Dad?" One girl questioned, I used to hang around her before everything happened. The fact that my father was now in my life was bound to raise some questions.
I glared daggers at her, and she slinked back into her respective corner within the crowd.

"Hey Cassie, we are on the way but got a little- caught up. Demon trouble, all along the route to your school building. Dean's trying to find a source." Sam explained, seemingly out of breath took heavy breathes between each sentence.

"Okay, thank you. I think we are ok, going to try and get the students to a safer area. Yet veronica isn't doing well. She got possessed and I don't know if she is going to make it." My voice quivered

"On the way, we will do everything we can. I promise." I responded with an ok, and a physical nod. Then ended the call.
Suddenly a siren blared in the surrounding area. Everyone's head snapped towards the sound.
A girl with glasses, and a guilt panged look-held up her cellphone.

"I-I called 911 for your friend" She sheepishly rubbed her neck as she finished the sentence.
I nodded "thank you"

"We need to get her to that ambulance!"

Ethan shouted, worry and stress building with every second.

The mystery girl spoke up once again "Come on, I'll get us out of here and get your friend to safety. You can trust me"

Neveah held out her hand, Ethan grabbed it as she hoisted him off the ground. They each took a side of veronica, and I led the group wielding my knife.
Neveah seemed to keep her distance, yet for now my trust for the girl was building.

I kicked the door, breaking the hinge. Pushing it the rest of the way open we made our way down the hallway. Lights flickered, and papers strewn along the hallway stirred.

I kept my knife outreached in front of me, ready to deal with anything that may cross our path.
We shuffled down into a staircase, pushing the metal doors open.

We got through and made it down the first flight, yet as we turned to the second, I was met with yet another demon.
"Son of a-"  I mumbled.

"Go!" I shouted at the two behind me. As I slashed my knife toward the black-eyed creature.

"What do you want?!"
I sneered , slashing its arm.

"We want you" it growled , throwing me against the wall with her powers.

I noticed the blood on the knife, and I started to heard a thumping sound.
The heartbeat of the demon growing louder and louder with each movement.

It overtook me, as I jumped into the air. Slamming the silver knife into its chest.
Light emerged as the creature faded away.

My mind became corrupt, as every ounce of my body was screaming at me.

The blood on the knife trickled down the side of the blade, shiny red.

My body overcame my thoughts, and I blacked out.
It wasn't till I came to my senses, that I had consumed the blood of the demon.

Power surged through my veins, my hands shook with both a energetic surge and anxiety consuming me for what I had done.

I wiped my face with the sleeve of my hoodie , running out of the stairwell.

I ran into the nearest restroom, placing my hands on either side of the sink.
I stared into the reflection, but the person looking back wasn't me.

Thank you all For reading, this ones a bit short. Yet there's longer chapters in progress. If you can please vote for each Chapter!
Looking forward to writing the next few.

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