You're the one that i haunt

22 2 4

-Ethan's POV-

We rushed out of the school building, rough winds blowing through the tree's.
It seemed like a storm was rolling in.

Neveah saw the paramedics and we led Veronica over to them. My heart sank, I didn't think that she was going to make it through this.
Who knows how long that demon was in control, or what it put Veronica through mentally.

"We are going to take her to green-ridge hospital. I trust that you'll send whomever is needed there."
The paramedic loaded her into the back of the ambulance, the door shut and the vehicle sped off. Kicking up rocks.

A tear threatened to toll down my face, but I wiped it away with my sleeve.
I felt like I was fighting against my own mind, but I needed to stay strong for Cassie and for Veronica.

I turned around to gain the attention of neveah "we need to get back inside and help her, she and the other students in that building need us"
I shouted, attempting to be heard over the whistling of the wind in my ears.

Yet when I turned to look, the girl was gone. I stood in the middle of the trash littered street as rain threatened to pour.
Thunder clapped, and brought me to my senses. I ran into the building as dark clouds rolled in.

-Cassidy's POV-
My sight was hazy, as my cold hands gripped the bathroom sink leaving blood marks. I fiddled with the metal faucet and the water began to pour.

The water ran a pale red as I rinsed my hands, I leaned down and attempted to wash the red stains from my mouth and cheeks.

As I lifted my eyes towards the mirror, I noticed a slight fog before a cold breath escaped my lips.
I noticed something odd, a sillouhette within the fog. I cleared it away with my sleeve, revealing a familiar face.

It was Neveah.

I turned around, water dripping off of my face and hands. Clearly in distress.

"Come on, Ethan's waiting in the hall.  we need to get out of here."
She put her hand on my shoulder, her eyes reflecting urgency.

We both hurried out of the bathroom, Making our way into the main hallway.
Classrooms lined the halls, as frightened students peered through the doors.

"Where's Ethan?"
I looked around frantically, tightly clenching the handle of my knife.

No answer, she was flipping through images on her phone.

"Ethan!" I yelled cupping my hands around my mouth to heighten the sound.

"Shh!" She spat

Neveah pointed to her phone, sigils that I did not recognize appeared on the screen.
"These will ward off demons, it's a trick an old hunting buddy taught me." Neveah Explained

"We need to keep the noise down, maybe Ethan went to look around elsewhere."
She explained, attempting to ease my mind.

My mind kept shooting off alarms, like a spidey sense. Yet for some reason it just wasn't clicking.
I couldn't figure out what my thoughts were between the rush of adrenaline, and demon blood power coursing through my veins.

With a wave of her hand, we made our way into an art room. Only about two doors down from where we were standing.
There were students inside, the door didn't have a lock, yet it seemed it was still jammed.
I attempted to forcefully open the door, but whatever curse was keeping them closed was stronger.
So I did what my mind told me to, it was odd how without hesitation, I lifted my palm sending a an invisible force into the door. Causing it to swing open, almost off the hinges.
We rushed into the room, the art teacher clearly baffled and distressed.
"What the hell!?" One boy shouted, almost rushing up to us. Though he stepped back. The blood on the collar and front of my hoodie must've freaked him out a little.
My own personal 'Don't mess with me' sign.
"How did you get in here? The door was jammed!" The older woman in the art smock shouted.
I shrugged my shoulders before we ran over to the cabinets. Pulling each individual one open, until I came across a cabinet filled with acrylic paint of many colors.
There were about 6 students in the room, faces with angered and confused expressions.
"What do you think you are doing young lady?" The woman scolded as I began pulling out the bottles of paint.
"Saving your ass" Neveah growled
Out of the corner of my eye, it was though9 I saw her smile at the distress the others were in. Eerily enjoying the fear.
I continued pulling out the paints and setting them on the marble colored desks.
"Look, you are all in danger. To put it simply, monsters are real, and this school is under attack. Specifically, Demons. So, if you want to help, paint this sigil on the walls" she pointed to a image on her phone before swiping to the next.

"Put this one on your forearm, on the underside just above your wrist." She pointed at another
"This will ward the school, and the other will protect you from possession."
The kids, nodded. A few gulps could be heard from those who were nervous.
Each of us grabbed a paint brush, moving throughout the halls quickly painting the simple sigil on the walls and doors. Each of the kids had painted the sigil on their arms, yet I saw no reason to as I had my powers.
Not to mention, it just didn't sit well with me.
After about 10 minutes, it seemed we successfully warded the east wing of the building.
Yet I knew in my heart that It wouldn't hold. It'll slow the demons down at least.
We sat for a moment, I frantically called Ethan on my phone, but only received a silent line.
Sam and dean were taking a long time, yet just then my phone rang.

"Hey we are outside, cannot get in. Is this place warded or something? "
Dean questioned

"Yeah Neveah showed us sigils and we put them along the walls. Apparently they slow down demons. Why?"

"Send me a photo" he said with demand

I snapped a picture , and sent it in a text.
The line went quiet for a moment, only hearing mumbles.
Before the line picked up again.

"Cassie those aren't demon warding sigils. They are lock Sigils. Now no one can get in or out!" Sam explained

"Okay, I'll try to-"
The phone knocked out of my hand and the call hung up.

"Hey there Cass, who ya callin'?" Neveah  said maliciously

Her eyes were narrow , a silver blade in hand.

I froze for a moment,

"The Winchester's." I growled

"Oh.. well we can't have that" The last word said with anger, as her eyes turned black.

I lunged at her, slashing my knife across her shoulder. She hissed and then smirked.

"It's gonna take more then just that to get rid of me hot-shot." Venom dripping off of her tongue as she spoke.

She then grabbed me, twisting my hand until the knife fell.
I could feel the bones in my hand cracking.
Neveah threw me into the lockers, knocking me into a daze.

My vision went blurry, but I managed to regain focus as I saw her standing over me.
She faced the hallway, talking to someone out of my view.

With the strength I had left, I used my abilities to my advantage.
I lifted my hand , then lifted the knife across the hall.
I used my power to throw it straight into Neveah.

She looked back at me with a glint of fear, before a pulsing light consumed her and her vessel fell to the ground.

I let out a breath, I felt safe.

Then suddenly , I heard something. Like someone was banging upon a door to be let out.

I stammered to my feet , and made my way to the door. I opened it slowly. Yet to my surprise it burst open with immense force , knocking me back into the wall.

I watched in horror as black smoke rose from the ground. One after another doors started flying open.

I was alone.

Thanks for reading!

There's only one chapter left as of now! So stay tuned for the next update!

Once this story is over, I'm going to begin working on two more completely original stories. So please stick around if you like my writing.

Anyways thanks y'all.

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