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   Two blades slammed together, the metal glinting in the moonlight. The sound of crickets could be hear in the background of the crashing metal, melodious and sweet in comparison. The blades danced a parried, pushing and pulling to a tune that could not be heard. There was a sharp gust of wind and the ground swayed beneath the feet of the warriors.

   The dark and mysterious armor of the larger assailant seemed to only absorb the darkness as they thrust and parried the frenzied strikes of their enemy. The light blue grass waved in the increase in gusts of wind. The field trampled in places where the battle had raged, and trees lined the ground of their path of destruction through the surrounding woods.

   The lighter of the two figures, seemed to tire and with the next gust of wind the black knight charged forcing the light red warrior to the edge. The sulas creaked ominously as the sudden shifting of weight strained the large roots, vines, and other plants which tethered the floating island to the ground.

   Their blades clashed again sending the red figure stumbling to the edge. "You absolute whore," hissed the black knight "selling yourself out to the highest bidder if it got you the rank. All you newbs are the same, thinking you can get the highest rank by hard work and a little bit of elbow grease."

   The knight pushed harder and the red warrior's feet skidded on the ground, digging into the soft wet earth. "And when you find out you can't...the little girls all go and sell their bodies like the good little pets they are, while the men are left to find a job as cannon fodder." He, the narrator was pretty sure it was a he by now, lifted his sword and feigned right, before spinning and twisting the sword out of the red warrior's hand. "But you, you little witch, you stole my title, my rank, my took all the respect I had earned, and you ran with it..."

   "I did no such thing, you had it coming from the day your started ordering those poor villagers around." The red warrior snarled.

   "And now I have nothing..."

   "Nothing! Nothing?!? You arrogant murderer, you massacred the entire village because they turned against you," The warrior stood tall the moon seemed to only reflect off her armor and make her seem bigger. "which is no fault of mine. I simply was open with my distaste of you since I spawned in this village and you only tore the people apart..."

   He raises his sword and tilts the warrior's chin up until they are staring into each other's eyes. "your beauty was absolutely a sight to behold, when you first arrived," she scoffed and jerked back "but then you go and destroy your innocent beauty with that foul mouth of yours...always spouting lies about me. I just had to do something you couldn't possibly think I would just let that go now could you?" He smiles slow and sharp, revealing a double row of teeth and sharp vampire-like fangs. She shivers at the maniacal gleam in his eyes and takes a deep breath, ready to face her fate.

   "Well then," she stands up tall, a proud warrior "Kill me then, just like you killed them, go ahead, let my blood coat your hands, run through your fingers and drip into the ground. I will find a way back and you will wish for death long before I extinguish your light like you did to those before me." She trembled at her own words, and watched his eyes widen.

   "Ah, you see my darling," he said in a quiet voice, almost inaudible "I will do far much worse than kill you" he tossed the sword and crowed into her space "I will make it so that you will never be able to step foot on an island ever again..."

   A crow cawed in the distance and she turned startled, staring into the silver trees for any sign of life "No..." the warrior was full on trembling now, she tossed a look over her shoulder and flinched at the grin on his face. "No, it's against the rules, you can't"

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