No one is here

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"Do you have any other family members we can call? Any distant relatives that can come pick you up? Any close family friends?"
No my answer to all those questions were no. It's always been me, mom, and Addison. Why would we need anyone else we were fine by ourselves...
"No.." is all I could say without crying
I was all alone, no one is here, no one is here to save me from this nightmare...
"Well I'll get everything settled you just wait here, okay?" She rubs my shoulder and then quickly walks out the door.
I've been here for two weeks, no one has came to visit me or even check up on me to see if I am alive, I guess it serves me right since all I do at school is shove my nose in a book and pretend like I'm anywhere but there.
Dressed in the clothes I wore a month ago, the last time I had a family. The only time I wore this outfit was That day. I hated being in them, I wanted to rip them off, set them on fire, and walk out of this place with the hospital gown on.
"Hey sweetie"
Oh great it's the nurse from earlier, probably gonna tell me she is gonna put me into a foster system.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any living distant relative on your file"
Could've told you that but you don't listen to a teenage girl do you?
"Yeah, so what do I do now? I have no where to go and no one here..." I shake my head to keep the tears from coming up, no need to cry anymore it's not gonna solve a damn thing.
"Well, this is the hard part, we have to either put you in a group home, place you into foster care or you can come live with me and my family" she smiles at me and I can see all the pity in her eyes
"I don't even know you, you could be a serial killer for all I know"
She starts laughing and I swear I can see a little bit of my mother in her laugh
"I promise I am no serial killer, how would I have this job? Also I'm a foster mom so I could not be able to do that if I was a serial killer" she smiles at me
"Well I don't know... this is all coming at me so fast I can't keep up with it"
"I know hun, but you can't stay here forever, you have to make a decision and you need to make it fast" she turns around and walks out the door
Wow I guess that was a hard case of tough love..
I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. Where am I going to live? What am I supposed to do now? How do I trust someone I don't even know?
The nurse doesn't come back for hours. I start to pace around the room thinking of all the positive things about living with her compared to a group home
She at least seems kind..
She is sweet, but not overly sweet
She looks clean, so hopefully her house is too..
Compared to a group home she sounds like a dream and I don't know anything about another foster family, they could be actually murders or drug dealers, Abusers, drunks who knows..
maybe my best chance is with this unknown nurse.
I hear two knocks on the door, it's her the nurse.
"Have you thought about my offer?"
"Yes, i have I think out of all my options your the best bet I have"
It took her a minute to respond, I guess she was trying to use her words carefully so she wouldn't hurt my feelings
"Alright, we will get you all finished up here and when my shift is over, we will go take you home"
She walks out of the room before I can even ask her what she meant by the last word she muttered out
"Home?" I whisper out
My home? There is only one place that is home to me and it sure ain't her place

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