October 15th, 2018

80 9 1

Dear(est) Amelia Rose,

Prince Florian.

How about Amelia Beautiful Rose?
If we are talking about names that fit the person.
Just putting that out there. :)

Tom Holland.
I'm impressed.
But what about....
Noah Scented Mayo!

Nope, I still have that photo of you.

I'm looking at it right now.

You have really nice eyes. :)

And I know when you're lying, Amelia Beautiful Rose.
I know that you like me.
Perhaps you like me a lot.

What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm thinking of being cat.


P.S: I will treasure that leaf until the end of my days, dearest of Amelias. Here is a gift in return; a pair of sapphire earrings. :)

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