July 30th, 2018

87 8 4

Dear Amelia,

I was being honest.
Yet still you have to go around accusing me of being a kiss-up.
Tsk tsk.

Hah, I actually sealed the last one myself.
Right after breakfast.
Bacon and eggs, baby!

I'm not weird, Amelia.
I can just genuinely appreciate a beautiful human being when I see one.

And I believe that eyes really are the windows to someone's soul.
I feel closer to you when writing while looking at your picture.

I'll tell you my middle name if you tell me about the whole Lia thing. :)

I want to really know you, Amelia Rose. But in order for me to know you, you have to be willing to talk to me.
Or write to me.


P.S: This leaf is going in the photo frame with your picture.

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