Part 2

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All the butterflies
And the birds
Keep our secret
No, they won't say a word
- Bmblb

Nora flicked the switch beside her, allowing light to invade the darkness of the room. "There was a light switch this whole time...?" The blond mumbled.

Yang crossed her arms, averting her gaze from the redhead observing them. "Shut it, Nora. I don't wanna hear it."

"Don't worry, it's just me. Everyone else is doing their own thing and I kinda forgot about you two and had you trapped in here longer than necessary."

Nora's gaze was intense and examining. Blue eyes roamed over Yang's slightly frazzled hair and the new traces of lipstick on her mouth. "-though you guys seemed to have kept yourself busy." She chuckled.

Yang felt heat rise to her cheeks. She glanced at Blake and the faunas looked relatively fine. As fine as you can be being wasted.

"Ya'll weren't, like, banging in here were you?"

"For seven minutes?"

"It was a little longer than that, remember? And trust me, there are shorter quickies that have happened."

"No. We weren't."

Yang felt a little shameful, still. She wasn't a hundred percent sure where the kiss was going but she knew they were in the midst of getting ahead of themselves. It's not like she hasn't kissed anyone before and she certainly made out with people before. Boys and girls, she didn't have a preference, if she liked someone then she liked them. It didn't matter. Blake was attractive, there was no denying that but they never went past platonic. Her being good-looking was just a passive thought that went through her mind sometimes. Even if she had not-so-platonic thoughts, Blake was still with Adam. They were on and off dating since high school and from what she's heard, it evolved into a more serious relationship.

She was happy for them and upset at herself for being the girl Blake pretty much cheated with.

The fact that with alcohol involved, that it could have went farther than that bothered her.
That was definitely not something you do with a friend and she wasn't trying to be friends with benefits.

It was just a drunken mistake.

Besides, it wasn't even like that. Blake even has a....
Oh shit. They weren't on a break anymore were they? No, they were together at the moment.

Oh no. This was it. She's a home-wrecker now.

Yang's eyes widened with the realization and they immediately locked onto Nora. "Can, just keep this to yourself, yeah? Please."

Nora only replied with a burst of bubbly laughter, which only made Yang more nervous. "Duh! That's like, girl code or something. You didn't tell anyone about me and Ren in the janitor's closet in high school, I don't tell anyone about you and Blake."

Yang nodded, scratching at the back of her head. "Thanks."

"Pft, don't thank me. That's what girl friends are for!" Nora turned to stare into dilated amber eyes. "Speaking of girlfriends..."

"Stop." Yang exasperatedly demanded.

"Okay, okay." The redhead placed a hand on Blake's shoulder, leading her towards the door. "You should really go drink a glass of water or something, hun. Ren will help, he's not much of a drinker."

From Shadows, I Burn (Bumbleby)Where stories live. Discover now