Chapter 3

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Namjoon Pov
The door opened seconds later as Manager Hyung stood in front of me.
He smiled warmly at me and offered me to come inside. I did bowing slightly as I walked past him and into his room.
His room was just as nice as mine, I couldn't help but look around.
"So Namjoon how are you doing?"
I turned around distracted by a painting on the wall of a small child playing in the fields. I thought it looked sort of odd in this room.
I walked over to Manager Hyung and sat beside him on the bed.
"I'm doing good, a little tired but that's to be expected."
I pause choosing my words carefully.
"To be honest I am really excited for tomorrow but also worried, I just want to do good and I want our group to be even more known."
Namjoon was fiddling with his hands a little, he did indeed have worries just like everyone else. He was human after all.
"Look at me Namjoon."
Namjoon didn't expect for his Manager Hyung to grab his chin making his eyes flutter up to him.
Manager Hyung had a hard looking face but warm eyes.
He was very tall and was pretty well built, at least that's what Namjoon thought.
Namjoon laughed a little pulling away from his touch jokingly.
This didn't bother Namjoon he had know his Manager Hyung for over 4 years now. He was like family just as much as the other boys were.
"Hyung I'm not a baby."
Namjoon says childishly as he let's another laugh escape his lips.

"I know but you are just so handsome, you know that right?"
Namjoon stops laughing as he feels his face heat up slightly at that comment.
"Hm you are not bad yourself hyung."
Namjoon says jokingly back, not taking this whole situation seriously.
Manager Hyung smiles in return a sickening look taking over his features for a moment as he then covers it up quickly.
  Namjoon watches him stand up from the bed as he looks down.
"Tomorrow is a big day and I know you will do well, you always do. Don't put to much pressure on yourself and just enjoy the moment."
Namjoon nods slowly standing as well.
"Thank you Manager Hyung."
Namjoon respected the man very much, he always seemed to know just what to say to the younger.
As Namjoon goes to walk out he feels a rough hand grab his arm.
He swivels back around to be met with manager hyung.
"You are so good, you know that right?"
Namjoon squinches his face up a little in confusion.
"You are hurting my arm."
He says softly feeling a little uncomfortable seeing as he was practically hugging the man.

Manager hyung seemed to catch himself as he quickly let go of Rm.
"Aigoo my bad I'm getting old."
Namjoon just rubs his arm a little letting a small chuckle pass his lips.
He walks out shutting the door behind him.
He didn't know what having to be old had to do with him practically squeezing the life out of his arm.
He shrugs his nagging thoughts away as he makes his way down the long hallway.
  Manager hyung was the last thing on his mind  at the moment.

Jimin Pov
"Suga Hyung all you do is sleep."
Jimin whines for the tenth time earning a groan from the older male.
Yoongi slowly sits up rubbing at his tired face.
Suga's hair was sticking up in every direction, his pale cheeks flushed with a tint of red.
His blanket clings to his shoulders in a attempt to stay warm.
"Jimin-ah you are lucky I like you."
Yoongi says staring at Jimin annoyed as he Rubs at his eyes much like a kitten would.
Jimin could of coo'ed at how cute that was but he would never say that out loud.
"It's 1:00pm you've been sleeping all day, you need to get up and eat anyway."
Jimin mumbles as he rips the covers from Yoongi's hands.
"Ugh fine get out so I can shower."
He mutters in defeat slowly standing up as he goes to do just that.
Jimin smiles in triumphant as he pounced out of the room.
He quickly made his way back to V and Jungkook.
Jungkook and V were chilling in the lounge area.
"Suga hyung is finally awake, I worked my charms on him."
V snorts.
"What by being annoying."
V says teasing his friend.
Jimin punches V's shoulder earning a squeak from the younger.
Jungkook just laughes at his Hyungs.
"Hyung you know you should just-"

"Kookie don't even finish that sentence I swear."
Jimin says crossing his arms to show he's serious.
Jungkook wasn't fazed by this, seeing as to him Jimin looked like a angry cute Mochi.
"All I'm saying is you should just tell him you like him already."
Jungkook says wiggling his eye brows seductively.
Jimin couldn't help the blush that had creeped on to his face.
He probably looked as red as a tomato.
"I do not like him, he's not my type anyway."
Jimin says weakly.
Jimin knew he needed to confess sooner or later but he wanted to wait till after tomorrow.
Jimin thought maybe his hyung liked him to but he wasn't quite sure. In all honesty he was scared that his heart would get broken and he didn't think he could handle that.
Oh Jimin likes Yoongi? Well who would of thought. (Clearly I am being sarcastic)

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