Chapter 12

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Suga Pov
2:00 Am.
He sighed softly as he finished his cold glass of water. He set his cup in the sink quietly as to not wake the other sleeping boys, that slept soundly upstairs.
He had got up to pee and clench his thirst, and now he couldn't fall back to sleep.
Maybe it was the small headache that had started a few hours before sleep finally took over, that was starting to resurface.
Or maybe the fact that Namjoon still wasn't home and it was 2:00 in the freaking morning.

Suga yawns despite his lack of tiredness for once.
He didn't feel tired, just a sense of anxiousness washing through him.
Yes Namjoon had been out working at his studio for hours on end like this before.
But he always called or texted saying he was going to stay the night there, or that he would be out late.
He did neither of the two.
That was a rule that Suga himself had established, back when Namjoon was just the small age of 18.
He didn't like even now though of him staying out so late, even if he was an adult.
Suga would never admit this out loud but he did have a small spot for the younger.
He's know him for over eight years now, so it's almost impossible for him not to.

"That does it."
He grumbles to himself as he grabs his coat, shrugging it on quickly.
He grabs his keys locking the door behind him,
His 2002 mustang, (what can he say he likes older cars.) Comes roaring to life as he sets off in search of the younger rapper.

Yes I know it's short but this chapter is sort of a filler chapter. It's a chapter that needs to be made, so new ideas and settings can take place.
Hope everyone is staying safe and keeping themselves well.

More updates to come lovelies.
                                               - Brie

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