Chapter 24

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Jimin Pov

To say he felt bad was a understatement.
Jimin didn't know how to get over his guilt, this jawing sensation was constantly weighing him down. Making him feel powerless, because he knows that if he had trusted his gut in the first place maybe things wouldn't have escalated.
But on the other hand he felt so jealous, of all the attention Namjoon was getting.
He didn't get it, he's been laying in that bed for months now, but still he is the center of attention.
Jimin knows his way of thinking is off, something is really wrong with him...maybe?

Jimin has been spending his time plotting, plotting his way to steal being the center of attention.
Namjoon acts all broken, abused and scared. So Jimin will as well.

Jimin yawns softly as he ruffles his fading pink hair.
He shivers slightly as he was in his own room, he didn't sleep with Suga Hyung anymore. Not since the whole Namjoon thing. As well as Suga feeling guilty about how he treated Namjoon. Which Jimin still doesn't get, but he doesn't really care either so...
Jimin rolls his eyes in somewhat annoyance, just the pure thought of Namjoon existing in this moment made his blood boil.
He use to have so much respect for him as a leader, and use to love playing with his cute dimples.
But now it's like that Namjoon never existed in Jimins mind.
He deserved it.
Jimin thinks to himself as he nibbles on a granola bar as he roams through the empty house.
He was back to his old ways, his old ways of not eating or eating in very small amounts.
Before it was the overwhelming hate he received about his body, and wanting to look perfect for his fans.
But now it was something else, he was forcing himself back into old habits.
He was forcing himself not to eat, and restricting his diet on purpose.
Well it was all for his plan of course.

Jimin throws the other half of the granola bar away.
He sprints up the stairs picking out a pair of black sweats and a striped shirt to wear.
He was going to practice his dancing even though BTS were on break.

He wasn't going to slack off and become lazy, just because of him.
Jimin hums to himself as he begins to lather his body up with soap.
Washing his hair quickly as he then finishes and steps out.
He drys quickly, as he dresses pushing his  hair back and placing a cap on his damp hair.
He secures a mask around his mouth, as he winks in the mirror playfully.
Jimin quickly comes Down the stairs as he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge.
He doesn't bother with leaving a note for the others, seeing as everyone is off doing who knows what.
Jimin plans on coming back very late, and making the others worried.
He has to follow his plan after all, and each step is important.


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