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Harry lies in bed still wide awake, thinking about anything and everything that is possible to think about. Everything is happening in his brain apart from sleep.

He watches as Louis lay beside him, his smaller frame turning from side to side. Louis was sweating and starting to pull around. The older lad frowned and rubbed Louis' back, noting how his sweater was soaked.

"Louis, sweetheart." Harry whispered, carding his fingers through Louis' hair. It was soft, yet a little damp, but Harry didn't mind.

Louis' breathing quickened as he turned away from Harry, unconsciously batting his lovers hand away. By now, it was obvious to Harry that Louis was having a nightmare, so he shook the boy a little harder, and suddenly, Louis' eyes fluttered open.

"Fuck." He sighed. Louis sat himself up and gripped a handful of his hair before swallowing harshly. He blew out a shaky breath and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Harry asks, concern hidden in his eyes. Louis simply shook his head and chuckled.

"It was just a bad dream. I'm okay."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and put the back of his hand to Louis cheek and frowned.

"You're burning up."

This was true. Louis was burning up, but he was unbelievably cold as well. Harry switched on a lamp to get a better look at Louis.

"You feeling okay?" Harry asked, rubbing his hand on the small of Louis' back. Louis closed his eyes for a second and shook his head.

"I'm gonna go shower. You can join me if you'd like." Louis said and Harry placed a kiss on the older boys temple. Soon, they were both undressed and in the shower, letting the warm water wake them up.

Louis was clingy the whole time; hiding his face in Harry's shoulder and letting Harry wash his hair. It was odd for Louis to behave this way, and the younger lad was a bit concerned.

Once they got out, Louis dressed in another one of Harry's sweatshirts and boxers, while Harry simply slipped on a long sleeved shirt and sweatpants.

"Do you want to try to go back to sleep?" Harry asked. It was about 4:57am and they had a little while before they had to get up.

Louis simply shook his head and pulled the covers over himself before becoming the little spoon.

"I feel sick." He sighed and Harry frowned. "I'm okay though. Just a little shaken up."

"Aw, babe." Harry cooed, reaching to feel Louis' forehead for another fever check.

"You're a little less warm, but it still worries me a bit."

Louis just shook his head and pushed Harry's helping hands away before laying back down. Harry wasn't really sure what else to do besides lay back down with him. When Louis got like this, harry figured it was best to leave him be until he was ready to open up.

And It stayed like this for about an hour before Louis felt his stomach lurch.

He gagged and put his hand up to his mouth before wriggling out of bed. He ran to the en suite bathroom and stopped at the sink, no longer feeling as if his stomach was in his throat.

"Babe, you okay?" He heard Harry ask. Louis ran some warm water and splashed it in his face.

"I'm fine." He called back, but he wasn't. The dream left him feeling guilty and ashamed. Something he never wanted to feel again.

He rested his head on folded arms and sighed before feeling a hand on his back.

"Baby, sit down." Harry instructed and Louis did as he was told. He sat down in front of the toilet, his feet tucked beneath him. Harry gathered his lovers hair and waited for the inevitable.

"You don't have to do this, you know." Louis' voice echoed from the basin. He could see his reflection in the water below.

"I know," Harry grinned. "But I want to. You're poorly, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't-"

And that's when Louis threw up. The sound was unpleasant, nevertheless the sight.

"Oh, sweetheart." Harry cooed, rubbing Louis' back in grazing, soothing circles. Louis retched again and Harry had to look away.

It was twelve minuets of pure agony for Louis and heartbreak for Harry as the younger lad seemed to never catch a break.

"Fucking hell." Louis spit, sick dripping from his mouth and chin. Harry grabbed a handful of toilet paper and wiped Louis' mouth before flushing the contents down.

"Babe, what's got you so worked up?" Harry asked, watching Louis pull himself up and brush his teeth. Louis spit into the sink before rinsing out his mouth.

"In the nightmare, I had a dream that I was with Tyler again. He uh, he- we had sex. Forced sex."

Harry winced at the verdict and saw the pure disgust and guilt on Louis' face. Louis gagged again at the thought, but kept it under control.

Tyler was Louis' ex. He was loud and rude and obnoxious, not to mention dominant. It's why it took Louis so long to open up to Harry. It was why Louis was so deathly afraid of falling in love again.

"I'm so sorry," Harry shook his head, pulling Louis into a hug. His tiny waist was in Harry's hands and his head was resting on his chest. "How about we go to the living room, yeah? I'll put on a movie and make us a snack.

Louis simply nodded and watched as Harry stocked off before grabbing two pillows and a knit blanket.

He made his way downstairs and sat on the couch. It was cold, so Louis wrapped himself up in the covers, waiting for Harry's return.

"Alright, so, Aladdin or Toy Story?" Harry asked and Louis didn't answer. Instead, his buried his head under the sheets and stayed put.

"Aladdin?" Harry joked. "Great choice by the way."

"Shut up." Louis grinned as Harry put in the dvd. Harry stalked off into the kitchen where he made mint tea for Louis' tummy and a cup of coffee for himself. When he returned to the living room, Louis was dozing off to the movie previews and was struggling to keep his head up.

"You sleepy, babe?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head before clinging onto the younger lads sweater.

"Harry turn down the telly, it's too loud." Louis mumbled, half conscious. Harry did as he was told and felt Louis position himself to where his head was resting in his lovers lap and his arm had hung lazily over his head.

"Louis, the kettle." Harry tried to explain, but Louis was already fast asleep. Harry leaned down and kissed the older lads forehead in that sneaky way parents did to their kids when they were sick and noticed his fever had gone down.

Harry slid from under Louis and put his tea in the fridge for later before joining his love once again, just in time for the movie to start.

"Harry," he heard his name being called.

"Yes, love?"

"I love you." Louis trailed off into his sleep, making harry smile softly.

"Goodnight little one." Harry replied before letting the sound of the movie fulfill their surroundings.

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holy shit wow i've been gone a long time. there was a ton of stuff going on and our family moved to New York !!! and just so many great things are happening now and I promise I won't leave you guys like that ever again 💖💫

leave requests below babes !!!

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