you'll be fine

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Louis hadn't felt that great when he woke up from a power nap late that night, but he desperately wanted to see his lover and the rest of the boys, so he decided to tough it out and go to Harry's house.

He got dressed, taking a little longer than usual to pick out his outfit, because everything he had seemed like too much effort to pick out- nevertheless put on.

Louis decided on an old pair of sweats that hugged his waist and bum in all the right places, and a hoodie because after all, it was just the boys and it was just a movie night.

He brushed his teeth and washed his face, taking a little longer this time to let the warm water sooth his oncoming headache.

After raking his fingers through his nape of the neck length hair, louis put it in a small bun and tied a navy bandana around his head before slipping on an old pair of toms and grabbed his cell phone from his bedside table, making his way downstairs.

Deciding he didn't really have time for a proper meal, he just grabbed a bag of strawberry pop tarts, nibbling on them as he picked up his car keys and rushed out the door.


Louis pulled his car into Harry's driveway, wedging his car into a compact space not very far from Zayn and Liam's. He turned the engine off and sighed, realizing just how fucking bad his head hurt.

It was a terrible pounding sensation that shot from his spine to the back of his head and made his ears ring. He gripped the steering wheel and rested his head on it. This god awful pain was almost enough to make him vomit.

So he did.

"Fuck." He spat, still hunched over the grass, wiping his mouth. He had just barely thrown himself out of his car in time to puke and managed to get it all over his shoes, so he feebly kicked them off and threw them in Harry's trash before walking to Harry's door in just his socks.


"Where did you say your shoes were again?" Harry asked, after the boys had gone home. It was just him and Louis, and it was obvious Louis was in no position to drive home, so Harry kept him there.

"S'not important." Louis mumbled, wincing at the volume of Harry's voice. They were both currently sitting in the living room with a large blanket covering them and the fire going. They were watching a film and had the sound rather low, making it hard for Harry to hear.

"Babe, what's the matter?" Harry pouted. He grazed his fingertips over Louis' back and listened to the smaller boy groan.

"Feel awful. Puked in your yard."

Harry frowned and ran his thumb over Louis' cheek, feeling how warm he was.

"How the hell am I going to record these damn songs tomorrow? Just thinking about recording makes me.."

And that's when Louis started to cough. And no, it wasn't a i-just-have-a-cold kind of cough. It was a harry-get-me-to-the-bathroom-now-before-i-ruin-the-carpet kind of cough.

Louis put a hand to his mouth and dry heaved, but Harry was quick on his feet. He grabbed Louis' hand and led him by his tiny waist to the bathroom just in time for him to drop to his knees and retch.

"Oh, God." Was all Louis could choke out between heaves. There was sick literally everywhere and Harry was trying to figure out how the hell he was going to clean this up.

"I'm so sorry, it's just that I-I'm stressed and I feel like shit and I'm sorry for crying I just-"

And then he threw up again, tears streaming down his face. Harry really felt awful about this, but they had no choice. They had to record tomorrow, even if Louis felt like he was dying.

"Shh, Louis please calm down, yeah? I'm sure you'll feel better by tomorrow." Harry tried to comfort but Louis only retched harder.

"Darling, you'll be okay, okay? You'll be fine. I promise." Harry was finally able to coax, and Louis nodded and wiped his mouth before flushing.

"Let's go lie down. I'll make you some tea to soothe your tummy." Harry smiled softly and Louis simply nodded his head, his eyes shut from exhaustion.

When he returned, Louis had fallen asleep already and it made Harry feel like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Not wanting to wake the little one, Harry trotted up the stairs and grabbed a few pillows and a trashcan, just incase the inevitable happen again and it was off to bed with them.


"Guys, come on!" Their director shouted. "Liam stands over here and Niall, you cross over to here during the second verse. We've gone through this a million times!"

Louis stood closer to the side, watching as their director shouted at them, making his stomach churn and his hands shake.

"Louis, what the hell are you doing? Get over here!" He heard again.

"Rob, he's not feeling too good, just let him sit this part out." Harry practically begged but their director merely laughed at the request.

"You guys have a concert in three day, there's no time to just sit out! Louis, stop playing around and just sing your part!"

Louis gripped the mic and rested his head on it. He shook his head and began to shake.

'Don't be sick Don't be sick Don't be sick' he said to himself, feeling his stomach churn. Harry saw him struggling and trotted over to him.

He brushed louis' hair behind his ear and rubbed his back.

"Hey, it's okay. Just take a few deep breaths in and then we can take a break." Harry soothed but Louis kept shaking his head.

With one small heave, Louis doubled over and vomited all over the stage and Harry's shoes, making some of the boys and stage crew grimace and snicker.

"Fuck off!" Harry shouted, shaking his head at how insensitive the boys could be.

Louis heaved again and he could hear Niall laughing. When he was done, he stayed hunched over, his arms wrapped around his stomach.

Harry was livid at this point.

"Can we fucking leave now? Please?" He asked, pointing at his soiled shoes and the puddle of sick they were standing in.

Their director grimaced and nodded, waving them away before calling someone to clean up the mess.

Harry guided Louis backstage and into their dressing rooms.

"Here, let's get this off of you." Harry cooed, removing his and Louis' shoes. Harry had taken Louis to the bathroom and got him cleaned up before laying down with him on one of the leather couches.

"I'm so embarrassed." Louis groaned. He turned into Harry, hiding his face in the nape of his lovers neck.

"Don't be." Harry replied, rubbing Louis' back. "The boys were being dicks anyway."

"I just want to sleep. Maybe I'll feel better." Louis said, the last part of the sentence drifting off.

"That's okay sweetheart." He whispered and soon, Louis' eyes were rolling back. Harry kissed his temple and hummed a lullaby to secure his slumber.

And soon, Harry and Louis were both asleep.


okay so this sucked and i don't really care. leave requests below.

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