Chapter 13: Bribes or Pride?

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"Sorry, what?" Katherine asked barely believing those words actually came out of his mouth. "Why the hell do you want your greatest enemy living under your roof?"

Klaus scoffed. "You're hardly what I consider to be my greatest enemy. One of my enemies perhaps, but certainly not my greatest one."

"Don't do that. Don't change the subject." Katherine practically demanded, keeping her arms firmly crossed over her chest. "Why do you want me to come back so badly? And more on that, why were you looking for me just now?"

"Who says I was looking for you? I was gathering intel on Marcel, and I heard the noises coming from the room. I figured I should check it out at the very least." Klaus lied smoothly, making sure to keep his expression neutral and free of any emotions.

Katherine rolled her eyes, not believing a single word he spoke just now. But she was willing to not push on the subject, mostly because she knew it wasn't the only thing she could nail him down for. "Fine. Then why do you want me to come back to the house?"

"Because." Klaus answered simply, refusing to show the slight nervousness he already felt at all her questions. He truthfully didn't know the answer himself. Not one she would accept anyway. Somehow saying he wanted to watch her die didn't seem like the right thing to say if he wanted her to come back.

"Because is a word, not a reason." Katherine muttered glaring at him.

"It is also my reason." Klaus said crossing his own arms over his chest. "And furthermore. I do not need a reason to do things. Which is why I suggest you stop arguing and get dressed before I decide to make you."

Katherine glared at him, her anger only increasing at the words he spoke. She couldn't believe that for a second she had actually been glad to see him when he saved her. Now she was slightly wishing he hadn't killed that guy. At least she couldn't listen to his obnoxious commands if she was dead. "You know what? You're right. I'm done arguing."


"No, not because I'm coming with you. But because I can't believe that I'm actually having this discussion with you. It's my life. And unless you're going to compel me right this second, I suggest you leave. I have a ride to get in the morning and I need to get some sleep. Oh. And get rid of him will you?" Katherine said gesturing towards the man on the floor before heading back towards the bed. She set her bag back down, sliding it under the bed and then settled back under the covers. Well the thin sheet she wished she had five of.

Klaus watched her closely for a moment, his mind reeling with possibilities on what to do. He knew he could compel her to agree. He could compel her to do anything he wanted. But for a reason he couldn't even admit to himself let alone say out loud, he didn't want to. Instead he silently walked over to the lifeless body of the vampire and effortlessly picked it up along with the heart. Once far enough from the motel room, he worked quickly on burying the body and then made his way back inside her room. He locked the door and casually took a seat by the window.

Hearing the sounds inside her room once more, Katherine opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow when she saw Klaus just sitting there. "What are you doing?" She questioned sitting up on the bed, clearly no longer being able to view sleep as a possibility.

"Sitting." Came Klaus' reply as he looked out the window.

"I got the what, just looking for the why." Katherine shot back hating the nonchalant yet all knowing tone in his voice right now.

"Because you are being stubborn, and after the night I've had, I prefer to continue the conversation in the morning."

"Me?!" Katherine exclaimed completely in disbelief. "You're the one who won't take no for an answer and is now quite literally staying in my room like a stalker."

Heart Of Darkness (Editing has been put on hold))Where stories live. Discover now