The Night of all Nights - continued from previous

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I looked outside of the window, and yet it was still dark. I didn't really know what else I was expecting. But this night felt like it seemed to go on forever.

Feeling the sudden blast of cool air rushing through the window, I shivered. I felt like I needed a warm drink, but I didn't quite know where Aaron and David keep their tea bags, and I didn't fantsy waking them up in the middle of the night, for a drink.

Suddenly I felt a sudden urge to check my phone. So I did. And as I was picking it up I felt it vibrate. Cautiously but excited I opened up the message, and my heart sank as the words were read...

'I feel so alone right now, peirce put up a fight, then left me. He murmured something about a girl, Kursedy? I think her name was called. Anyways he walked out, as soon as I heard him talking about were he was. I'm so confused'.

Then my phone flashed a deep shade of black, before I could even read the rest, then it died.
Annoyed and cursing myself, that I should've charged my phone earlier, I grabbed the nearest plug socket that my eyes could see, and began charging my phone.

But tiredness got the better of me, so I collapsed onto the sofa, the soft cushions, surrounding me, felt like they  were calling my name, and I knew I couldn't continue. So I gave in and let sleep wash over me.

Something is chasing me. I could see a dark shadow following me, and the footsteps the shadow made were loud. I could feel the shadowy figure growing closer and closer... I turned around and their we were again. Back at Harold's scared to the bone of what might happen next. I turned to my right and their she was.. "chloe", I called out but their was no response. "Chloe". I called again, but she remained still and frightened. It were as if she'd seen something terrible. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her lips cold blue. Yet she didn't make a sound. Nothing. Just silence. Until I looked down beneath us, and that's when I realised that something was below us. It was only until last minute did I see what it was... a big hunky object aiming straight for us... I screamed into the darkness, but no one came. I rushed over to chloe. But it was to late, the bullet soared through the stunned air, seeping through chloe's body... chloe fell, she was dieing. My heart rate quickened. This cannot be happening. I rushed over to her. Clinging my arms around her head, as support. "Chloe". I whispered in her ear. But she didn't respond. I cried my heart out, and couldn't believe this was happening. I screamed for her. But she didn't reply. She was gone. My hands started shaking, my whole body began to fail at the news. I had just witnessed. Tears took over my body. And I could feel my body vibrating in shock and sadness. "Chloe!!!", I screamed. "I'm so sorry". "Chloe! Please don't go, I haven't told you what I wanted to say!".
Then suddenly I saw blackness.

I slowly opened my eye's. My heart rate was rocketing so fast, that I had to take deep breaths to calm me. I reached up to touch my face. My face felt warm and I was suddenly overheating. I gazed up at the ceiling. And as I did, relief flooded through me. It was just a dream. A bad dream. My eyes felt wet from crying. My mouth felt dry so suddenly. So I turned around on the sofa, slowly getting up to grab a glass of water. But as I turned, mysteriously there was already a glass there. Sitting on the coffee table.

My head rolled to face the glass, but it wasn't the glass that I was looking at.
It was the reflection that the glass was giving me.
And my heart fell right into my mouth.

I looked up next to me, and the most beautiful thing happened. Right before me. It was Chloe.
Chloe holding my baby.

Chloe's face was flushed white, as if she knew what my dream was. Her mascara was slightly smudged along her waterline, her hair scraped back into a low hairdo. Her blue eyes staring at me with great concern.
My gaze drifted down where she was cradling Aster. She was surprisingly calm. Than the norm, crying. Especially at night. And it was night.

Chloe looked at me, and I could tell what she was thinking.
But before she could say anything, I jumped off the sofa, and hugged chloe. After that scary nightmare of her dieing I thought it was real, it felt real. And my heart immediately began pounding again, at the thought of it. It felt so real and just remembering what had happened in my dream. Caused tears to trickle down once more.
"Chloe, I thought you were gone". I blurted out to her. "I'm so sorry". I couldn't help it, I know it was just a dream, but it felt so scary and real. I've never had one of those dreams before.

I could feel chloe's breath on my face, and I looked up at her. Her face still etched with sadness.
"Elly", the blonde replied "it was just a nightmare", "you scared me, I knocked on the door and Aaron let me in, he said you where crying about something. As soon as I heard that I rushed to find you, Elly". "You had me so worried, I didn't know what was happening to you, you were screaming out my name, you were sweating. And then you were crying".

The Brunette looked up at the blonde their eyes locked onto each other's.

Elly smiled at chloe. Chloe was sure that she was never gonna let go of her, she wanted to hold the hug forever. It was like her safety net. And she loved it. Chloe felt the most happiest when she was with the Brunette and she hadn't, at all minded that Aster was to be included. In fact she felt that she almost loved Aster the same as she had always loved Elly.

At that moment Aster started weeping, so the blonde sat down on the sofa. Cascading her hand over the littlest Conway, calming her breaths as her lungs began to calm down.

Elly smiled. And from that moment on she knew that she was fine. Because she was in her happy place. Right here. Right now. With the loving Blonde, and her darling child.

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