Time to Tell

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The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. The Blonde could see that the night they had just had, impacted the mother a lot. As she was still laying on the sofa.
Chloe had insisted that she should go to bed, but the Brunette wasn't having any of it. However now chloe could see that she was in actual fact correct.

Watching Elly like she was gonna wake, the blonde smiled and began to get ready for the day. She had been really quick as she didn't want to wake Elly.
And she also secretly wanted to be there when she would wake.

The blonde crept up off the couch, she was heading to make some tea, but she instantly got a flashback, as to what happened last night.

When she walked in to find Elly, she heard her saying something, and it wasn't until she could get closer. That she heard what Elly was crying about.

And Chloe needed to know what it was that Elly needed to tell her.

Sitting back down, with a warm mug grasped between her hands, she could now relax once more. Slowly sinking into the plush sofa, she heard a quiet growning noise escaping from the pillows, she looked down and their she was still sleeping on the sofa.

Chloe wanted to wake her up, so that they could have a proper chat, about last night. And chloe had some things that she needed to tell her to.

The morning sunshine creeped through the blinds, shining down on Elly's face. Making the blonde woman's breath gasp. Her face instantly crept a smile and she looked away, to stop that feeling that she kept having stop. Because she knew that Elly didn't feel the same. And she needed to stop this in order to keep their friendship.
Even so it always kept Chloe wondering what life should be like.

At that moment light footsteps were heard entering the brennaka kitchen, making chloe turn around in shock, at the sudden entrance.

"Made you jump sis?". Aaron stated. "Just a bit". Chloe replied with a sense of laughter in her voice.

It was just Aaron and David entering the kitchen looking for breakfast, chloe thought. She was sure to make sure that no more bad came to Elly. She would watch over her and make sure that no one bad would ever come close to her. The blonde thought.

"You stayed over?, where did you sleep Chlo?".  David asked. Chloe said nothing, she just stared at the empty space where she had slept on the sofa, next to Elly. "Oh, chloe, you didn't?". Came from Aaron's mouth. It came out as bearly a whisper, but yet it still managed to wake Elly.

Elly's POV ~

I slowly awoke from my dreamless sleep, makes a lot from the nightmare I'd had earlier. And began pouncing around to find my sock, it had somehow managed to fumble off in the  night. It nearly always did.

I gazed my eyes around and they landed on Chloe's, they always did.

She looked into her eyes which read nothing but pureness.
The Brunette was about to walk over to them, but got distracted as a sudden loud noise came from the corner of the room.

It was a high pitched noise, and the mothers heart had dropped. She stood there with her eyes wide with worry.
This caused the Blonde to rush over to Elly's side, and they both raced over to Aster's side.

The baby layed, In her creamy white basenette. With both her hands raging wildly in the air. Elly swiftly lifted her out and began rocking her in her arms. But it was no good, the baby was still crying. The blonde could see that the mother was struggling to calm her, and wanted to take the stress of it away.

Chloe rushed to Elly's arms, and began quivering her finger along the baby's face. Aster almost immediately began calming down, and it left Elly in a dazed state. She was amazed at what chloe had done. She really wanted to make sure that Chloe know what that meant to her, so she looked up at the woman with a smile and thanked her.
"Your amazing." The Brunette said.

Chloe's world had turned even more magical, at that second. It felt as though her whole insides were lighting up, so she walked off. Knowing that she needed to calm herself.

Elly watched her mysteriously walk into the hallway. And it suddenly struck her what chloe might be feeling. She desperately needed to go see chloe and tell her what she was feeling to. And now was the time to.

She passed her baby into the arms of another, and confidently she strolled towards Chloe.

Chloe turned around in ache, as she watched Elly approach her. She knew that she wouldn't be able to hold her emotions in. But Elly wasn't having any of it.

The Brunette took chloe's hand in hers and stared deeply into the blue eyes before her. The Brunette could sense that Chloe was quivering. And embraced her in a hug, before she latched onto Chloe's hand and pulled her into her room.

This was the right time to tell her how she feels. She needed to. And wanted to for some time now, but almost never got the chance. This was her chance. And everything that she was gonna say to Chloe. She meant it with every word and with everything she had.

This was going to change her life forever.

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