Hustle Nostalgia

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Hey Descendants!

Thank you so much everyone who has let us know they enjoy Hiro. You've really made Twisted's year with the welcome, and hey, the year just started so sounds like we're doing something right :)

Seriously though, she's so smiley.

And we hear the hopes that David and Nani become the vks' guardians. I will say, you're not entirely wrong. Not on the wrong line of thinking.

Anyway... We hope you're ready for a chapter all about Hiro and Carlos.

Enjoy, and don't forget to leave us some love.


(See the end of the chapter for Twisted's review.)


Hiro chuckles. The kid had hustled him good. Ah, the good ol' days.

He had been hoping the boy made mods to the robot. Carlos hadn't disappointed either. Even after all David and Nani talked him up, he was still pleasantly surprised and thrilled.

This kid, this unassuming kid was impressive as fuck. And adorable to boot. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting when he learned the villains Auradon banished to an isle turned around and had children. The thought simply horrified him at first. He thought for sure that kids coming out of a situation like that would be hard as hell.

But the young teen sitting across from him was as timid and mild-mannered as they came. Which only served to sadden him more in its own right.

Carlos was one of the most brilliant minds he'd ever come across. The only thing he seemed to be lacking was experience and knowledge, things he hadn't been privy to on an isle full of villains.

Under the right tutelage, this kid could be one of the greats. He'd bet his Baymax on it.

He laughs when his bot gets thrown out of the ring again. "You could make some serious money in the right circles, Chibi-chan." He teases.

"Just doing this?" Carlos asks with wide eyes, his head tilted just slightly to the side.

"Oh yeah." Hiro nods. "I used to make bank." He grins unabashedly, "I ended up in jail like ah hundred times for bot battling in underground circuits before my brother knocked some sense into me-" he smiles warmly at the thought of his brother, "But it was totally worth it at the time."

"What's jail?" Carlos asks absently as he continues to play with the upgrades he'd made to the bot.

"Huh." Hiro bites his lip. It fucking hurt how little this kid knew when his mind was a giant trap thirsty for information. Carlos was wasted on the isle. "Jails are holding facilities for criminals, people who broke the law, to wait for a trial to find out if they go to prison or not."

"Oh, like the isle-"

"No!" Hiro immediately shakes his head as he holds up his hands. "Not in the slightest. It's a lot more humane and regulated. Or are, ya know, supposed to be. At the very least they're not unisex, so there's no way for kids to happen for those serving their time. And not everyone who gets sent there is housed for life. I think the average time served is, one to five years and some can get out sooner for good behavior. It's by far not the best system, and has its own corruption and set of downfalls-" He stops himself with a shake of his head, they could be here for hours if he got the chance to go off on his home country's shitty penal system's and the boy in front of him was much too polite to stop him. He was just watching him with intense curiosity. He could practically hear the boy's brain slurping everything up like a sponge, see the way it worked to catalog the new information and file it away. "But still it's nothing like the isle. For one thing, kids aren't allowed, and if they do commit a crime they're sent to a different facility completely."

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