"I'm so worried right now." I said smoking a cigarette.
"Why are you so worried your highness?"
"Aurora hasn't called me in the past two days I got a feeling something is wrong."
"Maybe she's busy at school, and work your majesty I mean after all you did allow her to move out their to live her own life I'm sure she's fine."
"Maybe I should visit her you know for a few days since I am doing some charity work in New York maybe a good visit would work since she hasn't returned my calls."
"Selena you worry to much your daughter is a grown up I'm sure she's capable of taking care of herself." Benny my butler spoke.
"She's 16 here she's considered an adult, but in New York she's just a little kid waiting to be eatin up by sharks. You know sharks prey on the innocent ones I know how my daughter is she's so sweet so innocent so naive so young any man or women would take advantage of that, and I can't have that I need to see her." I said on the verge of tears.
"Maybe a pop up would be nice, but your highness at some point your going to have to let your daughter go she's getting older, and she wants to be more independent sometimes a little space is what she needs." He said as I sighed.
"Maybe your right." I sighed.
People just don't understand aurora is my only child I was 16 myself when I had her I raised her myself all while I was queen, and it wasn't easy the moment I got married I thought he was the love of my life he was my high school sweetheart my parents loved him he'll even the country loved him, but behind close doors he was an animal , and I don't mean sexually he abused me physically, and sexually which resulted in my pregnancy he told me if I didn't get an abortion he would tell the whole country I had an affair with some random man which isn't even true I told my parents about the pregnancy, and they were exciting to bring a grandchild into the world, but when I told them my husband wasn't supportive they weren't to pleased so In return they killed him right in front of me.
Do I miss him ? Honestly no. I could have done better when it came to picking men. But, he gave me the best thing ever my beautiful baby girl aurora . I'm just protective over her cause she's my only child . And, in this world I have no choice, but to be so protective over her if anything happens to her I don't know what I will do.
I've had relations here, and there, but still to this day I haven't found the perfect husband material so I just decided to stay single, raise my daughter, and focus on my duties that's pretty much it, but now that my daughter is away for college I do get lonely so maybe finding me a man won't be so bad.
"You know what you should do your highness?"
"You should go on speed dating there doing this event downtown Spain maybe you should go get a load off you've been doing so much for this country maybe take a day or two, and just have some fun."
"I don't know Benny it's just my motherly instincts kick in when I figure something is wrong. It's just I'm a mother to a 16 year old that's all." I sighed.
"I completely understand I'm a father myself to an 18 year son he's in the military, and I worry about him everyday due to him being in the military fighting for his country I just worry sometimes he won't be back home or I might get a knock at my door, and I don't want that, but he's doing something for this country most wouldn't, and I'm forever grateful."
"Your so sweet Benny." I said hugging him. "Maybe your right maybe I should just focus on myself for a little bit, and if she needs me she will call." I said smiling.
"That's the spirit." He smiled. "Now I'm going to make you some lunch any request?"
"Just an egg salad sandwich with fresh lemonade."
"You got it ma'am ." He said leaving the room.
I still need to make sure she's okay I mean I know she's probably busy with school, and everything, but still just a simple hello will be fine. I haven't been on social media lately either, but theirs been rumors going around thats she's been blowing up the tabloids. So I went on Instagram my eyes widen of what I saw.
'Young mistress sleazing her way with model Levi Andrews.'
'Levi surprising new girlfriend?'
"Girlfriend?!" I said to myself she has a boyfriend? That's it I'm going she has a boyfriend, and to think that's why she ain't called me since she's been gone.
"Your majesty an egg salad what are you doing?"
"My daughter has a boyfriend." I said throwing clothes in my suitcase.
"Since when? She's only been gone for a week."
"Exactly her main focus should be on her studies, and work." I said folding my clothes. "Are you coming or are you staying?"
"Whose going to watch Spain?"
"My parents will. I have to see her at first I tried listening to your advice, but now she has a boyfriend is insane she's to young, to naive , she's beautiful first thing he's going to want is her purity, and I can't have that."
"Well I guess where going to New York." He said leaving the room.
I know I may be a bit protective over my daughter, but that's my only child, and I have to do what all mothers do to protect their children.
"Do you know where she stays?"
"Apparently she stays uptown Brooklyn New York you wanted her to have the best of the best so that's where's she located her room number is 387."
"Alright we should get there within two days let's go." I said grabbing my sandwich as we headed to the airport.
Just a few days I promise, and if the tabloids are true I have no choice, but to send her back home with me she can't have a boyfriend a boy is going to distract her from her success I don't want her making the same choices I made being 16 she was the best choice, but having a baby at 16 should not be her life goal right now go to school , graduate live up then when your ready to meet your Prince Charming it will happen just patience my child.

Sleeping beauty
RomanceNot based on the actual sleeping beauty -every princess needs a Prince Charming. -every good girl wants a bad boy It's not the typical fantasy you want deal with it .