Not based on the actual sleeping beauty
-every princess needs a Prince Charming.
-every good girl wants a bad boy
It's not the typical fantasy you want deal with it .
A/N this isn't going to be a long chapter. But, enjoy 💕.
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"Wow the tree looks nice way better then when I first decorated a tree."
"I'm glad you like it it's so beautiful we should take pictures together, and post them on Instagram or is that a bad idea?" She said asked looking at me.
"It wouldn't matter let's take them it's for the holidays." I shrugged as we smiled taking a selfie together. 'Holidays with this cutie 😍' I said posting.
"You sure you okay with that caption?"
"Don't worry about it they gone think it's just another fans so you or I won't have nothing to worry about." I said turning on the tv.
"So you like how your place looks?"
"Honestly at first I wasn't with this whole Christmas bullshit, but it's actually growing on me."
"Any reason why you hate Christmas mr scrouge?"
"Honestly the main reason why I hate Christmas cause I went to jail on Christmas literally well technically Christmas Eve, but I got out on Christmas Day for batter y'all because my mother thought it was cool to bring a man to sexual assault my brother I almost killed that man I was 14 at the time."
"Jesus 14?"
"Yeah when it comes to my brother I don't play that shit he always had my back just like I got his, but when it comes to this life I don't think he could handle what I do. Which is always I defended him, and provided him hell I practically raised that kid."
"You seem like such a good brother I wish I had a sibling, but after me my mother didn't want anymore she said I was good enough."
"Your mom seems pretty young to be a mom how old is she?"
"32. She got pregnant when she was only 16, but where I'm from 16 is the perfect age to have a child."
"Compared to my mom she had me at 14, then came back again at 18, and had my little brother. You know the more I talk to you the more I like you in some way I just can't point my finger at it, but it's like I'm feeling you a lot more then I did before." I said as she blushed.
"But, we can never be a couple right? So what do we do in the mean time if we both like each other?"
"I don't know dollface I don't really have the answer for it at the moment I don't really like dating other people especially if my feelings is to strong for one person I definitely don't want to be caught up in another love triangle. But, honestly maybe when your 17 we can try again if your mom accepts me as a boyfriend then we can move forward in our relationship , but right now I just think it's cool that we stay friends until your 17 deal?"
"Deal." She blushed. "I honestly can't wait till Christmas you never did told me what you wanted."
"Well the best gift is you honestly I don't want nothing else for Christmas." I shrugged as she blushed.
"Be a little more specific other then me."
"Eh surprise me." I shrugged as we got done eating.
"I can do the dishes."
"Nah I got em you just sit down, and look pretty."
"Come on I like to help no biggie." I said drying some.
"But what do you want for Christmas? You know I can buy you anything."
"Honestly I want my license, but I know I won't be able to get them by Christmas."
"Most definitely not you still need work, but we can get you a car to practice in until you can get your license."
"You would seriously but me a car?"
"Yeah why not Christmas is all about gifts right?" I shrugged.
"Thank you so much your so sweet." I said kissing his cheek. "Mind if I spend the night here?"
"Sure I don't care we can watch home alone, and drink hot chocolate if you want."
"That sounds like a plan." I said going to my apartment to get some things.
I sighed placing the dishes up honestly I keep saying I'm starting to fall in love with her, but I think I am it's like my mind is trying to fight my actual feelings, and my heart is saying other wise I've been in love once in my life so it's weird how all of sudden I feel this way again I don't know for some odd reason I like it I would love to have her as my girlfriend , but just the age when she turns 17 we can try again I promise I'm not giving up on her yet.