Third Person POV
"You know, I'm starting not to like this idea, Sounds kinda dangerous you know what? I definitely don't like this idea and I definitely don't like him," Isaac said
"you'll be fine," Derek said
"Does it have to be him?" Isaac asked
"He knows how to do it I don't. be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself, besides don't you want to find Ally," Derek said
"Yes I do more than anything, but you know Scott doesn't trust him, right? you know personally, I'd..... well I'd trust Scott," Isaac said
"Do you trust me?" Derek asked
"Yeah, I still don't like him," Isaac said
"Nobody likes him," Derek said
"Boys. F.Y.I., yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works, so I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face, and by the way Mini Lahey likes me," Peter said
"We don't like you and I doubt that, Now shut up and help us," Derek said
"Fair enough, Relax I'll get more out of you if you're calm," Peter said as his claws came out of his nails
"How do you know how to do this again?" Isaac said nervously
"It's a ancient ritual used mostly by Alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice one slip and you could paralyze someone or kill them," Peter said
"You... you've had a lot of practice right?" Isaac said
"Well, I've never paralyzed anyone," Peter said
"Wait does that mean that you...." Isaac said
But Before Isaac could finish Peter stuck his claws in the back of Isaac's neck,
"Wait, I see them," Peter said
"What'd you see?" Derek asked
"It was confusing umm I'm... images, Vague shapes," Peter said with ragged breath
"But you saw something?" Derek said
"Isaac found them," Peter said
"Erica and Boyd? Ally?" Derek asked
"I barely saw them I mean glimpses," Peter said
"But you did see them," Derek asked
"And worse," Peter said
"Deucalion," Derek said
"He was talking to them, something about time running out," Peter said
"What does that mean?" Isaac said
"He's gonna kill them," Derek said
"No, No, no, no, no, he didn't say that he did make them a promise that by the full moon that they'd both be dead, and he kept talking about, a girl the girl how's the girl," Peter said
"Alice?" Isaac said
Derek nodded
"The next full moon?" Derek asked
"Tomorrow night," Peter said
"Obviously it's not going to be particularly....comfortable but if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state," Deaton explained to everyone in the room
Teen Wolf Baby of the pack
FanfictionAlicia Lahey nine years old and Isaac's world the only thing wrong is since her father has become what he is she hardly talks only to Isaac constantly tormented by her father, but one night Isaac comes back different and things for Alicia are about...