Ch. 15

654 15 0

July 17, 2002

Peacock watched as Hawk Moth summoned a butterfly and enclosed it in his hands. A moment later he let it go, and the white and lilac bug flew away.

"Who'd you send it to?" Peacock asked him.

"A teen hyped up about winning his video game.I think he'll be helpful for this mission."

"Okay." Peacock took a breath.

"Nervous?" Hawk Moth asked.

"Maybe a little." She admitted. "This is our first big mission, and I guess I'm a bit scared we'll mess it up." The police had asked them a few days earlier to help stop one of London's big city gangs. They called themselves The Liquidators, and they weren't people you wanted to mess with. The police had gotten wind of one of their hideouts, and to make sure they stopped the gang for good they had asked Hawk Moth and Peacock for help.

"It's going to be okay; we got this. We've been fighting bad guys for a year now, and we've proven we can handle ourselves."

Peacock nodded. "You're right."

A second later a tall boy landed next to them. He wore a colorful sci-fi outfit with a silver-screen mask, and the ends of his brown hair looked like they'd been dipped in silver and blue.

Hawk Moth stood. "Thank you for coming, Mind Bender. We need to get in there." He pointed to the upper shop across the street. "Do what we tell you to, and no killing; we're only capturing them, and the police will solve it from there. Understood?"

"Loud and clear, Hawk Moth." He said. His face broke into a smile. "I can't believe I'm helping real superheroes! Best day ever!"

"Just don't lose track of the mission." Hawk Moth warned.

Mind Brender nodded.

"We might have to split up," Hawk Moth said. "But if we do I can maintain a telepathic connection with you. Peacock is also in charge, so if she tells you to do something do it."

Mind Brender nodded and stole a look at the colorful hero. She smiled at him before turning to Hawk Moth.

"I think we're ready." Peacock said. "See that window?" She pointed to it. "That's where we'll get in. Follow me."

Peacock hopped across the rooftops until she was able to get close to the window.

"Hawk Moth, put your cane into the hole right there. I'm going to lower myself down to get in."

Hawk Moth did as he was told, and Peacock stepped onto the cane. She lowered herself down until she was sitting. She reached for the window and pushed it, but it was locked. She tried unlocking it and even used her fan as a lever, but the window wouldn't budge.

"It's locked, and I can't get it open!" She called up to them. Mind Bender bent down and looked at the window.

"I think I can help, just watch out." He told her. Peacock complied; she swung down, so she was hanging upside down. He jumped down and crouched on the cane, careful to avoid Peacock's legs. He put his hands to his mask and stared at the window. Peacock lifted her head and watched the inside latch on the window turn. She heard a soft click, and Mind Brender punched the air.

"Yes! This is so cool!"

"Good job!" Peacock congratulated. "Go on in; I'll be right behind you." Mind Bender nodded and climbed inside; Peacock pulled herself up and climbed in after, and Hawk Moth appeared a second later, cane in hand.

"Their hideout is the floor above us, so let's head for the stairs." Peacock whispered. The three heroes silently crept down the hallway and headed up the stairs. One of the stairs creaked, and they all froze. After a minute nothing happened, so they continued on their way. Peacock peeked her head around a corner and waved for the other two to follow.

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