Ch. 18

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August 29, 2004

Emilie took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on anything else.

"Try shouting out what you see." Gabriel tried as he pushed the gas pedal harder.

Emilie groaned as another wave of pain came. "Okay. Um... tree. Car. Another car. Sign. Ahh!"

More pain came. "We're almost there, love." Gabriel said. He reached for her hand, and she clutched it tightly.

The hospital came into sight, and Gabriel quickly parked and helped her inside. The doctors wheeled her off to a room.

"Just breathe." One whispered as she put a shot into Emilie's arm. Emilie screamed again as another wave of pain came, and the doctors hurried to hook her up to all the machines.

Gabriel held Emilie's hand, and she squeezed it tightly. "Our baby will be here shortly." He told her.

Emilie nodded and closed her eyes. Two more waves of pain came before everything went wrong. Alarms started to go off, and Emilie worrily looked at the doctors.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel asked as Emilie screamed again.

"Something's not right." The doctor's scurried around, and Gabriel followed one.

"What's wrong? Is everything going to be okay?"

"Sir, we need you to wait outside."

"But this is my family!"

"We need you to wait outside." The doctor started to shove him out of the room as Emilie screamed again. Then the door closed.


Gabriel knelt by Emilie's side.

"Everything went smoothly. You did great, love."

"I was so scared something was going to happen to our baby. If the doctors hadn't been able to..."

"Hey, don't go down that road."

Emilie nodded. The door opened and the doctor walked into the room holding a bundle of blankets.

"Here's your baby boy."

Emilie smiled as the doctor placed her child in her arms. "It's a boy."

"A beautiful boy." The doctor corrected.

"Adrien." Gabriel whispered as he gingerly touched the bundle of blankets. The doctor smiled and motioned for Gabriel to follow her.

Emilie noticed. "Is everything alright?"

The doctor nodded. "Just fine. I just need to tell your husband a few things."

"You can tell me too." Emilie said.

The doctor hesitated but eventually nodded. "Alright. You and your baby are perfectly healthy, but we can't forget the fact that there were some... complications. I'm afraid that you won't be able to have another child."

Emilie bit her lip and hugged Adrien tighter. "None at all?"

"I'm sorry." The doctor said. "I'll leave you two, three, alone." The doctor left, and the door clicked shut.

Emilie and Gabriel were silent. Adrien cooed, and Emilie gave a small smile. "At least I'll have you." She brought him closer and buried her head in the bundle of blankets.

She felt Gabriel's hand on her shoulder, and she looked up. "Whatever tragedies we face, we face them together."

Emilie nodded, and Gabriel joined her on the bed. She leaned against him and let him hold his son for the first time.

"He really is beautiful."

Adrien cooed, and they both let out a small laugh.

"I love you." Emilie whispered to Adrien. She looked up at Gabriel. "I love you too."

"Whatever tragedies face us, we'll get through them together." He repeated.

Emilie wiped away a tear. "As a family." They sat in the hospital, both sad and happy, as they hugged each other and got ready to face their new life.

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