Chapter 1

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Before we start I am going to do POV's for now I want to see how it goes so let you about that and anyways on to the chapter!

Previously on Fariy Tail Origins and Supernatural Origins crossover: "Hey guys." Brandon said. The guild leader turned to him. "What is it Brandon?" Michael asked. "I think we are in a different dimension." Brandon said.

Ritchie's POV:

"Wait what do you mean by different dimension brother?" I asked my brother Brandon. "Think about it we had fallen into a portal because of someone and came out of another one." Brandon explained. "You have a good point but are we sure like we could be somewhere in Alantide like the woods are something." Silver asked. We were thinking until Bri looked like something remind "Wait guys remember the portals that pop up every where?" Bri asked. "Yeah...." the we said. "Maybe that was one of them and those portals lead to different dimensions." Bri explained. "Maybe." Brandon said "Or maybe not like Silver said we could be somewhere in Alantide like the woods or something." Brandon added.

We started discussing what might have happened but something kept distracting me. "Shh!" I said to them. "Excuse me?" Silver said. "Just be quiet I hear something." I said. They went quiet and heard it it was from the bushes. Then it looked a pack of werewolves surrounded them they had no way to go. They only looked angry at me, Michael, Silver, and Bri not Brandon. One of them walked up to them the werewolf was standing on two legs?!

"Hey Alpha can I kill them now?" ??? asked.

Wait kill? Do they mean us? Why are they only looking mad at us except for my brother Brandon? I have so many questions!

"No Xylo you can't." ??? asked while walking towards us.

"Why not Mario?!" Xylo asked.

"Because I said so and we need to talk them about why they are doing this." Mario replied.

Wait Mario?!? What is he doing here? I am so confused!!

Xylo and Mario were infront of us and than turned human well I guess half human because they have werewolf ears and tails still.

"Y'all are gonna play on what you did to Mev!" Mario growled. "Look we don't know who this Mev guy is so y'all probably have the wrong people and who are you guys?" I said. "Don't act dumb you know what you did." Mario said. "Look we don't want to hurt anyone here so leave us alone." Michael said giving them a warning. "Like that's going to do anything!" Xylo laughed. "This is your last warning so just leave us alone." Michael said. "Yeah y'all should listen to him." Silver said. "Yeah we are going nowhere." Mario said. "Alright then." Michael said. Than Michael used his shadow magic so we can escape without being caught.

We ran as fast as we can. We ran until we ran out of breath. "What was that all about?" I asked. "I don't know." Michael said. "Hey guys remember when I said said that we could be in a different dimension?" Brandon asked. We all nodded our heads yes. "And remember when Silver said that could be somewhere in Alantide ?" Brandon asked. We all nodded yes again. "Well I think I was right and Silver was wrong." Brandon said. "What do you mean by that?" Silver asked.

"Well I don't we are in a different dimension I think we are in a alternate dimension." Brandon said. "Wait what do you mean by alternate dimension Brandon?" Bri asked. "Well think about it we got through a portal, we are in the woods, some of our friends are half werewolves and last time I checked they where not werewolves, and they said that y'all killed this Mev guy not me which I know y'all would never do." Brandon explained.

"Wow that's a lot." Silver said. Mean while I was still processing this in my head.

Ok so we are not in Alantide anymore because we are in a different dimension but just any dimension but an alternate dimension and people that are our friends but from this dimension they're trying to kill us...

I snapped out of my thinking by hearing another sound I didn't know what it was or who it was mean while the others were discussing the possibilities about this situation. "Shush!!" I said to them. "What now Ritchie?" Silver asked in a whisper. "I hear something again and I think we are being watched." I said. We all went quiet so we could heard the noise. When I heard it again was coming from trees. I pointed to the trees to let them know where I think the was coming from and we all stared at the trees. Whiled I was looking trees I noticed something moving squinted at the thing in the trees a few seconds later I saw it move again! "Guys it's in the trees!" I yelled.

And the creature jumped down from the trees and ran. We started running after it and I thought just thought of something. Wait a minute I can just use my magic to catch up with the creature, thing, whatever it is! So I used my and I was so close to the thing that I grabbed its arm and threw it into a tree which I think I threw it a bit to hard than I thought.

When we approached the creature it looked like those werewolves we encountered not so long ago. I heard it whimpering and when I got closer to it. It would back away, I think I have scared it. "Hey I'm sorry for throwing you and I'm not going to hurt you ok?" I asked the creature.

The creature turned its head to look me in the eyes to see if I was telling the truth. And it started doing something we all backed away slowly. When it was done it turned half human and half werewolf. Bri was shocked when it turned kinda human. "BRYAN?!" Bri asked in shock. "How do you know my name?" Bryan asked while getting up off the ground. "Umm well-" Before Bri could finish her sentence I interrupted her. "That doesn't matter the matter is that you were spying on us!" I said angrily.

"Well you see I was in the trees and when that spell was used I desided to follow because of the spell that used to keep me from being seen." Bryan explained. "Wait a minute why are you telling us this? Do you think that we are those evil people that killed that Mev guy?" Silver asked. "Because I trust you." Bryan said. "How do trust us?" Michael asked. "Well I overheard something about a alternate dimension, someplace called Alantide, and y'all look nothing alike to the people that killed Mev. And also I heard that are stuck here. Sorry. " Bryan replied. "Well we do what someone to trust us and we do need help from someone to help us get back to our dimension." I said. "So sure we can except your trust." I added. "I am happy that you trust me. Bryan replied. "Also one other thing Bryan." Brandon said. Bryan turned to look at him. "Do you know anything about getting us out of here?" Brandon asked.

"I think I can help with that and I know just the person that can help." Bryan said.

To be continued....

Word count: 1252

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