Chapter three

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Chapter Three is finally here!

The guild leaders were following the other Bryan for a while now, and when they started to follow him, it was dark, now the sun was out and it was bright.

"Why is the sun so bright here?" asked Micheal, using his hands to cover his eyes from the bright sunlight above. "It's hurting my eyes."

"Sorry, you feel that way, but this is the fastest way to go to where we need to go," said Bryan, still looking forward to the trail ahead.

It became silent again for a few minutes until Silver decided to break the silence with a question. "What time is it anyway, and how long had we been walking?"

Bryan looked at the sky still walking. "Almost noon, so around ten or eleven in the morning," said Bryan, looking back at the trail from the sky. "And we started when it was almost dawn, so five or six in the morning."

"You can tell what the time is just by looking at the sky?!" asked Silver, shocked but also amazed.

Bryan turned his head, still walking, looking at Sliver, who was walking behind him and smiled. "Yep, you can learn a lot of things when you are a werewolf," said Bryan smiling then facing his head forward. "Also some of us have watches to tell us the time, but we mostly rely on on the sun, sky, and moon to tell us the time if our watch breaks."

Ritchie, who was walking behind Sliver, looked at Bryan's wrist and saw a golden watch. Ritchie looked a little closer and noticed that there were some cracks, dirt, and scratch marks on it.

"Was your watch broken before or after I threw you at the tree?" asked Ritchie, with a hint of worry in his voice.

Bryan looked down at the watch for a few seconds, then responded. "It was broken before you threw me at that tree, and besides if it did break when you threw me, my wrist would be bleeding now."

Ritchie sighed with relief that he didn't break something that wasn't his or his brothers. But was still worried about that last part.

"We're here!"

The guild leaders looked where they ended up and there was just a tree surrounded by other trees around the area. It wasn't just any tree, it was a big tree!

"If you don't mind me asking Bryan, why did you bring us this big tree?" asked Bri, looking up at the tree.

Bryan looked at her and smiled. "Well, I'll show you."

So Bryan walked to a certain area with a bunch of roots and leaves and jumped into the air high, but it looked like he didn't jump. It looked like something lifted him into the air.

"What just happened?.." asked Micheal, who was confused about what just happened.

"I don't know, he walked over here and-" said Silver, who was trying to retrace Bryan's steps then flung into the air. "AHHHHHH!!"

Silver was in mid-air until he started falling again and was about to scream when someone caught him. 

"Got you!" said Bryan, who caught him and got him to land on the platform.

"Wha- how?!" asked Silver, processing that he was just lifted into the air.

"Magic, which I thought you'd be used to since you're from a world full of magic," said Bryan walking to the edge of the platform. "Walk over to the area that me and- Silver right?" "Yeah, my name is Silver." "Okay, I and Silver were at!"

A few seconds later Brandon just flew up and Ritchie used his magic to teleport to them, Michael and Bri used the magic lift.

"Alright follow me inside!" said Bryan walking in while the guild leaders followed him inside.


Turns out the tree had a little like home inside it.

"Wow, this is so cute, it's like an actual treehouse!" said Bri looking around.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing when I first found out about this place," said Bryan, who looked like he was searching for something.

"Who are you looking for?" asked Micheal.

"My friend who owns this place, who I said will be able to help us," said Bryan, who was still searching.

"Oh hey, Bryan it's nice to see you!"

Bryan turned around to see the friend he was looking for, Pat!

"Hey Pat, I was looking for you!" said Bryan, hugging him. "I need your help with something, do know or have anything about dimensions or realities or something look that?" he asked pulling away.

"Hmm, let me see what I can find," said Pat.

Pat walked over to a pill box in the corner and walked to the five guild leaders who were looking out the window, and you could almost see everything.

"You all doing alright?" asked Bryan.

"We're fine, just thinking about our world, and worried about our friends there," said Brandon, facing Bryan.

"Oh, I see," said Bryan.

It was quiet for a while, minus Pat shifting through the boxes in the background, until Pat heard something outside.

"Did you hear that?" asked Pat, who was still in the corner with all the boxes.

"Heard what?" asked Ritchie, turning to face Pat.

"There was a noise outside, it sounded like screaming at first, then silence," said Pat looking at the entrance.

"I'll check it out, you all stay here," said Bryan, walking towards the entrance. "It might be my pack, and that might a problem."


Bryan walked outside to the platform to see three confused people that he did know, though one of them looked familiar.

"Who are three?" asked Bryan.

The three turned around slowly. The four on the platform stared at each other for a minute until..




Word Count: 967


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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