Chapter 2

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Ok everyone this chapter is going to be a little different because I wrote in Ritchie's POV last chapter so I am going to have someone else POV. And also the FTO timeline takes place around when Kay wasn't left the Protectors, Mitch hasn't gone to the dark side,and when Bri is alive she didn't fake her death. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

FTO Lucas POV (did you see that coming?):

Is has been a day since we saw the guild leaders and we are worried about them so all of us except the Wandering Coins did a search party. So me, David, Mario, Bryan, Jakey, Kay, Lo'pho, Relena, Colin, Pat, and surprisingly Mitch which what I heard he doesn't care for anyone but himself and his Dragon brothers. Me and Mario search all of Divinus Magia and David searched at Ms. PenderGhast which he was not happy about at all because he hates her. All of us even searched all of Alantide but still couldn't find them.

We all met up at the Protectors guild. "Did y'all find them or any leads of where they might be?" Bryan asked. "No me and Mario searched all of Divinus Magia and we didn't find anything." I said. "While y'all were searching in Divinus Magia I was searching at Mrs. PenderGhast's house. Mrs. PenderGhast!" David said annoyed. "How about you three did you find any thing?" Relena asked Colin, Pat, and Mitch. "No we couldn't find anything at our guild hall and we even searched Michael's house and still couldn't find anything!" Mitch said.

"Wh-here cou-uld they b-be?" Jakey asked worried. "We don't know Jakey but we will find him eventually." Kay said. "Well they got be somewhere like we searched where!" Lo'pho said. (Are you sure about that Lo'pho?) Right after Lo'pho said that a portal appeared and I looked like I saw a ghost. "Lucas are you alright?" Mario asked. "P-p-p-p." I stuttered. "What are you trying to say we can't understand can you stop stuttering." David said. "P-P-PORTAL BEHIND YOU LO'PHO!" I yelled. Everyone turned to Lo'pho's direction and slowly started to be pulled into the portal. It was like we were being sucked into it. "EVERYBODY GRAB ON TO SOMETHING!" Lo'pho yelled. We grabbed onto something but it was unlucky for Colin and Kay because they where holding onto the floor and they were being pulled so hard that they were pulled into the portal. "COLIN!" Bryan, Mario, and Mitch yelled. The three Dragon Slayers let go on what they were holding on to and fell into the portal aswell. "MITCH!" Pat yelled and also let go on what he was holding on to. "Hey Jakey your slipping!" I yell at Jakey. "Oh no!" Jakey said while to get his grip back but it failed and Jakey, Relena, and Lo'pho fell in the portal. "Hey David!" I yelled. "What?" David asked. "I'M SLIPPING!" I yelled. "Oh no Lucas try not to let go! David yelled. "I'm trying!" I said while trying to get my grip back. But I failed and me and David fall then it went black.

In the Supernatural dimension

FTO Bryan's POV:

I opened my eyes and see Jakey on top of him sleeping peacefully. Cute. I said in my head then looked around I looked up at the sky and saw it was nighttime. That's odd it wasn't nighttime back at the Guild hall- wait where are we?!? I looked around and nothing looked familiar at all! "Guys wake up!" I yelled whispered. Everyone woke up and looked around with confusion. "Where are we?" Relena asked. "I don't know and was it nighttime before we all got sucked into the portal?" I asked. Everyone looked up at the sky and got more confused. We started to hear someone are something talking and we all went silent.

"I can't believe that you didn't let me kill them when we had the chance!" ??? asked.

"Well I didn't know that they would attack us!" ??? replied.

"Mario's not wrong Xylo." ??? replied.

"Yeah your right Relena and also it's a good thing that Helios told us that Bryan was going to follow them." Xylo said.

"Yeah it would be ashame if he or Helios didn't tell us that he would follow them I would have to ground him." Mario said.

"Wait guys do you smell that?" Relena asked.

"Yeah same here it smells like ash and smoke but without the fire." Mario said.

"Bryan they can smell you?!" Kay yelled whispered. "I think so." I replied.

"Let's follow it." Xylo said.

"Good idea." Mario replied.

The group started walking towards us. "Guys let's get out of here fast." I said. Everyone nodded yes and started to walk away slowly without getting caught. I stopped walking when something grabbed my arm which looked like vine it pulled me towards the guy with the eyepatch. "Listen who are- wait Bryan?!" The guy asked while unravelling the vine from my arm. "Thanks but who are you?" I asked. Lo'pho, Relena, Kay, and Jakey came up behind me. "Yeah how do know him?" Lo'pho asked. The guy with the eyepatch looked confused. "Excuse us for a moment." He said than turning around to the other two. "Wh-hat is happ-penin-ng?" Jakey asked. "I don't know." I replied. The guy with the eyepatch turned back to us and said "Welcome to Pack Haven!"

With Mitch, Colin, and Pat

FTO Mitch's POV:

I opened my eyes and looked around and I didn't know where I so I quickly got the ground and looked around and it looked like the woods but it goes on for miles. I looked down and I saw Colin and Pat on the ground. "Hey Colin, Pat wake up!" I said. I started to see Colin and Pat waking up they looked around with confusion."Where are we and where is everyone?" Colin asked. "I don't know." Mitch replied. "These woods look like they go on for miles." Pat said looking around. "Yeah it kinda gives me the creeps." Colin said. "Hey guys I see something!" I said. "What do you see Mitch?" Pat asked. "I see a path or road up ahead!" I replied. "Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Colin said. We started running towards the path or road and they looked both ways. "Which way do we go?" Colin asked. "It looks like there is a village this way so someone might help us." Pat said looking to the right. "Yeah let's go that way." I said. So we went to the right because Pat said that he saw a village in this direction. When we got to the village it looked kinda empty and deserted. "Hey guys what is that?" Colin asked pointing to a huge building which almost looked like a castle. "I don't know let's check it out." I said. We started all walking towards the huge building which almost looked like a castle. When we got to be doors Pat pushed me closer to the doors. "Well Mitch your the sacrifice so go ahead."  Pat said. I stared at him with shock. "Excuse me when did so I would be the sacrifice?!" I asked. "Well you did say once that you would the sacrifice for anything so go ahead." Pat replied. "No I didn't!" I said. "Yes you did." Pat said. "No I didn't!" I said angrily. "Ugh will you two get a room please!" Could said annoyed. We both turned to him and gave him the 'Excuse what did you say' face. "What y'all are acting like a couple right now because of the arguing." Colin said. "Anyways fine I will be the sacrifice!" I said annoyed. "Alright good luck don't die!" Colin said. I rolled my eyes and knocked on the doors and they opened by themselves I turned to Colin and Pat but they told me to go in anyways so I took a deep breath and went inside and the door behind me closed by it self...

With Lucas, David, and Mario

FTO Mario's POV:

I was asleep until I heard David talking. "Ok you two get up right now!" David said. "Nooo!" Luke mumbled. "Get up or I will strip right here right now!" David said. Me and Lucas instantly got off the ground because we don't want David stripping. I started to look around and realize something. "Hey guys where are we?" I asked confused. Lucas and David started looking around aswell. "I actually don't know." Lucas said. "These woods look like they go on for miles." David said. "Yeah they do and I am getting shivers done my spine because of it." Lucas said kinda scared. "Hey guys look the sun is rising!" I said. "Well about time because no one wants to be lost in woods at night!" David said. "So what we waiting for let's find everyone!" Lucas said. We started walking into the woods which felt kinda creepy but it's daytime so it doesn't matter we are safe. I was looking at the trees and I saw a weird tree. "Hey guys there is a weird tree so should we go to it?" I asked pointing to the tree so they know what I am talking about. "Yeah it does look weird but sure why not." Lucas said.

To be continued....

Word count: 1572

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