Night out

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Lunch passed and I didn't dare to leave my room. Jojo went here and asked me if I'm going to eat. I refused.

It is now dinner time and I'm feeling kinda hungry.

"Knock knock." I heard Adi's voice and the door opened.

"You have visitors." He said. That made my eyebrows meet.

"Who?" I asked.

"Get up. Come on down so you'll see them." He replied so I got up.

"Change your clothes and... what is that?" He asked pointing to my hickey. My eyes widened but I didn't let him see it.

"A hickey." I confessed.

"Who the hell gave it to you?!" He asked angrily.


"Was it Nick?! Jojo?! Who? Tell me!" He shouted.

"Bro what's going on?" Tal entered the room with everyone else. He got into the middle of us.

"Sam got a hickey. Who gave it to her?! Answer me." He said. He's getting red.

Tal checked my neck.

"Girl we need to talk. That's a serious one." Tal said.

"I got it the other day. The night before I moved in here." I lied.

"How come we just saw it now?" Adi is not convinced.

"Cause I let my hair down all the time. You guys need to chill, I'm 19." I said.

Finally, Adi calmed down and Tal looked at me.

"You're kinda like our little sister. We will not allow ANY guys give you such a horrible mark." Tal said.

"Wear your hoodie and go downstairs. They're waiting." Adi said and left the room.

Tal gave me a kiss on my head before he closes the door.

I stared at Nick's hoodie. God I hate Nick. Good thing he didn't confess that he's the one responsible for my hickey.

I just wore my black hoodie with a lettering on the front that says "miserable"

I left my room and went downstairs and I see my girl friends. My eyes widened and I smiled.

I ran to them and they gave me a hug.

"How did you know I'm here?" I asked them cause I didn't tell any one about this.

"Well, Ivana hacked your account and we saw their message. We contacted them and told them that we are your friends." Elocin said.

"Your timing was actually perfect because she's pretty upset today." Jojo said.

"Why? You won't get upset now cause we have a gift for you." Elocin said and handed me a box.

I opened the box and it was a black shirt.

"Atleast we met." I read what was written on the shirt.

I stared at them and they are just smiling.


"I opened your account and saw you guys video chatting." Ivana replied.

"So you know why I'm upset." I said them I sat on the couch.

"Girl you better forget about him. He's not worth your tears! How many times have you cried for him?" Ivana asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"See. That means countless. Did he care? Did he asked you to be his girl? No, right? So don't waste any of your tears anymore. We are here and so are they." Said Ivana.

"You have a point." I replied.

We spend the night talking about funny stuffs and they get to know the free time family.

I forgot my feelings for Nick for a moment but when they left, I suddenly remembered it.

"Your friends are cool." Said Tal.

"Yeah they are." I replied with a smile.

I was about to take a step on the stairs when the door bursted open. It's them again.

"Hey guys we're going to the bar tonight. I know this is short notice but we just miss Sam." Elocin said then they grabbed me off the stairs.

"Girls, I'm sleepy. Auto pass." I said.

"There's no auto pass for us. Come on." Ivana said.

"Uh-- it's too late and I don't like Sam being out this late." Tal replied.

"I'll go with her." Jojo said.

"See? He's coming with Sam. Come on now." Elocin said then they dragged me out of the house.

Jojo drove me to the bar and the girls followed. After he parked, we went inside and sat on the bar counter.

Ivana ordered tequila shota for us.

"I don't drink." Said Jojo.

"Really?" Asked Ivana.

"Yeah. All of us, we don't drink." He replied.

I took my shot and Jojo's.

After the tequila, Ivana ordered blue lagoon and mojito shots. We drank it all and went to the dance floor.

Jojo looks so bored there. He didn't join us in the dance floor.

"Girls, I need to go home. Jojo seemed bored." I said.

"Okay. Let's all go home." Joys said.

We walked towards Jojo and said that were going home. When we were outside the bar, a guy went outside also.

"Hey, Sam right?" The guy asked.

"Uh yeah. How did you know me?" I asked.

"One of your friends told me. Where are you going by the way?" He asked.

"Home." I replied.

"Oh I see. Can I get your number?" He asked while giving his phone. I took his phone and saved my number.

"Just my number? Gosh your so weak." I said while handing him his phone.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I smirked and kissed him.

"Come on Jojo." I said and went inside the car.

During the drive home, none of us spoke. We arrived at the house at nearly 12 am.

When we entered. Jojo finally spoke.

"What was that?" He asked.

The guys are still awake.

"What?" I asked back.

"Sam? What happened?" Tal asked.

"Sam met a guy. The guy asked for her number and she gave it. And she also kissed the guy." Jojo said.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"You barely knew the guy." Jojo replied.

"It was just a kiss." I defended.

"Good thing I was there. What if I'm not? You'll probably get another hickey or worse, it's a home run." Jojo said.

"Oh fuck it. I'm going to bed." I said and went upstairs.

"LANGUAGE!" I heard Tal shouted but I don't care and closed my door.

That Damned Smile |Nick MayorgaWhere stories live. Discover now