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In the dimly lit bar sits a lonely soul. She had her right leg elegantly crossed over her left. Maybe it was her beauty, so tantalizing. Both men and women were captivated by her beauty, but none dared to approach. There was something about her that made her seem so far away, so unreachable. Although she was surrounded by people with loud music thumping around her, she was present in her own world, separated from rest.

Her dark eyes trailed her finger that was tracing the rim of her drink as her mind wandered to him. Thoughts of what could have been, invaded her mind and she hated that even when he was 6 feet under, he still managed to haunt her. All these years, she had many lovers but none of them could par up to him, even when she thought that she was finally happy, her heart would not let her have her peace. She had managed to bury those feelings all those years while she stood by his side as his friend. When they had decided to part, on good terms, her mind had made up that he was not the guy whom she first fell for. But her heart. Her heart occasionally cried out for him, even more so at night. She was confused as to why her heart felt this way, granted this date had marked the date when they had first got together, however, that was more than a century ago.

Her ruby red lips kissed the glass as she threw back her head, the bone dry martini traveled down her throat smoothly. She did not flinch as she felt the cold drink burn her throat. In fact she welcomed it. She needed it to forget, even if it is just for a second. She raised a finger to the bartender, indicating that she wanted another.

The bartender was reluctant. This was already her 23rd glass. But he was in no place to decline and stop her, for she was the owner of the bar. If he did not comply, he was afraid that she would dismiss him from the only decently paid part time job out of the four he currently held. He quickly made the cocktail and passed it to her. She takes one last swig before deciding that she had enough. She uncrossed her legs and stood up, swaying ever so slightly that one would not notice unless they focused on her. Unfortunately for her, an evil one had taken notice of this and perceived this as an opportunity to act.

Her mind was a haze, but that did not stop her from walking with elegance as she strides out of the bar, unaware of the evil that had decided to prey upon her.


He had just finished an important business meeting. His eyes, that seemed to glow in the dark, looked on the world zooming past in a blur while seeming deep in thought. Something in him stirs as he takes notice of what was happening outside. He gets his driver to stop before stepping out of the luxury car.

In the dark poorly lit alley, the silhouette of a man and woman could be made out. He did not seem to notice as an involuntary growl leaves his lips at the scene; the man and woman were oblivious of his presence. He walks towards the passionate couple. However, if one took the time to look, they would have noticed that the woman was slightly tipsy and was trying to push the male away. The man did not seem discouraged by the struggle. Instead, he seemed to be excited by this challenge. His hands roamed around the woman as his lips attacked her delicate neck. Before he could further his exploration, he was roughly pulled away and flunk onto the opposite wall. Landing with a loud thud as he collided with the hard concrete before sliding down, falling into a deep state of unconsciousness.

The attacker of the man has his eyes focused on the woman the entire time. His jaw and fist clenched unconsciously as he looked at the delicate woman before him. Her eyes were closed shut. Sometime between the attack, she had fallen unconscious. Something seemed to take control of him as he walked towards her. Heat shot through his hands as he made contact with her skin while he lifted her up. As the moon and the planets align in the dark black sky, the woman opened her eyes, making eye contact with the stranger. A gasp escapes her parted ruby lips when they both realize the beginning of an end.

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