Falling falling foggy falling pain dark heat cold itching

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Aidan hadn't even bothered showing up for his shift. Instead, he and Jennifer were in his quarters.

And then she disappeared.

He swore loudly, the moment he realized she was gone. "Damn, just when it was getting good." he announced to the empty room.


Jennifer picked up the PADD cautiously. She hadn't noticed Lili holding it earlier. And where was Lili anyway? She glanced at the writing on the PADD.

'My sweetest Lili,

I don't know if you can see this, but I'll type it anyway, just in case you can. You disappeared once before, but you came back. But this time I'm alone on your ship, and I never have been before. It feels different and very, very wrong. And maybe tomorrow we'll laugh at how scared I'm getting but right now I'm just really, really scared....'

She looked away. She threw on her uniform, grabbed the PADD and ran to the Bridge.


Doug awoke to the sound of a general alarm. He got out into the halls, distracted, without putting the extra dagger in his boot. He was walking to the Bridge, very fast, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Travis!" he said, “Let's get to the Bridge. She needs us."

"Not so fast, Old Man,” Travis had a knife in his hand. "That's the last time you make me look bad in front of her."

"Look bad? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, c'mon. Yesterday. When we were testing the phasers? You know I was in the right position, in a perfect position. And you missed. Now she thinks I messed up."

"No, no, she doesn't think that. Like I said then, you don't have any working sensors. So how can you be so sure that conditions were perfect anyway?"

Travis mulled that over for a second. "She still thinks I messed up."

"Well, I can't help you with that,” Doug said, “Didn't she say she was gonna have Targeting tested again overnight? Maybe it's all fixed."

"I, I dunno."

"Look, that alarm won't shut off until you and I get to the Bridge. So come on and like I said, maybe it's fixed. And if it isn't, I'm sure we've got a fresh crisis. Yes? C'mon."

"We're not through, Old Man,” Travis resheathed his weapon.

"Didn't say we were." Together, they ran to the Bridge.


Jennifer burst onto the Bridge. She rarely ever went there. It always felt strange. "Captain, Captain!" she called out.

"Uh, Ensign, not now. We've got systems down shipwide. And ...."

"Sir!" Jennifer insisted. "Lili's, Lili's gone. I think she's gone from the ship. And, and I have, I have this." she showed him the PADD.

"Ensign, what are you trying to show me?"

"Sir, this is a letter from him,” she said.

"Might be related, sir,” Malcolm said, looking up.

"Yep." Captain Archer allowed. "Delacroix, Haddon, you'll need to vacate. Hoshi, contact Dr. Phlox and Tripp Tucker and get them up here for a meeting. Ensign," he faced Jennifer, "stick around for this."

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