The Virus

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Baden's dream was its usual beauty.

"Miva!" he called out.

"That's Doctor Miva to you,” she said, kissing him. They were a tangle of arms, his silvery scrollwork complementing her coppery arms.

"I know that,” he said, “And that isn't exactly news."

"Yes, well, I should be treated with respect."

"I treat you with plenty of respect, my love."

"That's true." she agreed. "We have been together a good forty years."

"Do you remember how we met?" he asked, hands around her waist.

"Of course. We were at the Abic Festival. And everyone was meditating and I was sitting with Ennewev and they were all droning on and on."

"And you were listing the bones of the hand in your head."

"I had exams coming up,” she said.

"Me, too. And so I answered you – you were stuck on the bones of the Fep finger."

"That's right." she kissed him. "I can't stay long; I'm dozing off in a patient's room. A human male."

"I love you most of all,” he said, “Even more than my daylight wife, when I had her. I know that's not supposed to be, but it's true. You and I are better suited for one another."

"I love you almost the same as Ennewev,” she said, “Almost."

"I can accept that,” he said.


Doug toweled off. There was a communications chime. He covered himself and then answered it.

It was Hoshi. "There's going to be an Exec level meeting in two hours. Can you come?"

"Sure, but I don't work for the Enterprise."

"Captain Archer says it concerns you. It's about when we're leaving the Lafa System."

"I'll be out of uniform,” he said.

"Doesn't matter. Main Conference Room. See you then. Sato out."

Doug dressed and then thought better of adding the shirt and jacket. Just the tee. "You're gonna get sick of this outfit, Lili,” he said to the empty room.

He picked out clothes for her. Jeans. Socks. Sneakers. A grey Mars Culinary Institute hoodie. Turquoise tee shirt. Plain lingerie. "You don't have a lot of sexy things." he mused. "So that'll be one Christmas present."

Phlox was waiting in Sick Bay. "She's very groggy."

He was right. She perked up when she saw him. "Hey, you."

He bent over and kissed her, then sat on a stool next to the bed. "I brought you clothes for when he springs you."

"Oh, good."

"Not the turquoise hoodie, though. You were, um, you were wearing that when you thought you were gonna break up with me."

"That's right,” she said weakly. "We should give it to the poor."

He took her hand. "Whatever you want."

Phlox parted the curtain and came into the bed area. "Lieutenant, ah, I see the problem."

"Problem?" Doug asked.

"Heart rate is up, so is respiration. Maybe, uh, give her some time right now. Hold hands later."

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