Chapter 5: Damien

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I slammed my fist onto the table as I hung up the phone. Aofie did not sound pleased and neither was I, and I knew I could not mention the Nate thing he would go on a rampage. I felt terrible trying to use that against her, but there was so much more that she did not know about Aofie's situation. I knew that he did not want to sleep with the woman, but she did not. 

After cleaning the kitchen I decided I would go out for a run. Changing into a loose pair of basketball shorts I slid my t-shirt over my head discarding it onto my couch before jogging out the front door. My mind was all over the place, on one hand I wanted my mate, on the other I was still angry that she turned to a human male for his attention when she had mates. I felt like there was something she did not tell us about him, and I did not like it. 

As I jogged through the woods I came to her cottage, my wolf just couldn't leave her alone. Walking on light feet I stopped outside her bedroom window. Keeping myself hidden behind the tree's I channeled my hearing as I watched her pace around in front of Cassandra. 

"I mean...What the f*ck? It's not like I slept with him? He doesn't even know what I am!" Serenity seethed running her hands through her silver curls. "I know sweety. but you have to see where they are coming from. Yes, he could have worded it differently, but they came to get you and found a human male in your room. Aofie's alpha genes are growing stronger everyday and he does not have his mate by his side to calm his wolf. Damien as well has a very dominant personality, do not let the baking and gardening fool you. Why else do you think he is the head warrior?" Cassandra countered. Serenity gave her a blank stare before turning and resuming her pacing. 

"You need to give them a chance-" Cassandra began before getting cut off. "Damn it Cass! I'm trying! I can't help the fact that my mate slept with another wolf." Serenity yelled. Cassandra stayed quiet for a moment. "Who told you that?" Cassandra seethed standing up from her seat on the bed. "Damien. Why?" Serenity questioned her brows wrinkling in worry. "He did not have a choice or say in the matter...he was forced by another female when he was 15 years old. Why else do you think he was so against having a mate?" Cassandra stood up and left without another word. 

I stepped back further into the now dark forest. It was up to our mate to figure things out. I knew of Aofie's situation and past. It was something I watched him endure for years-- the pain, sadness, anger--everything he endured. Aofie used to much more open, but after the incident he closed himself off, only opening up to people he knew he could trust. Serenity did not know that, if only she'd open up and let him speak to her. 

After arriving at the pack house I was surprised to see Aofie there. "Hey man." I called jogging up to him. "I did not think you would be here this early." I said slapping his back. Aofie smirked his eyes scanning the area. "Well, when we have a mate to take home I can't be away for long." I nodded following him into the house. "You need to talk to her about Jenna." I stopped him placing my hand on his shoulder. Aofie turned to me a hard look on his face. "I know..." He said quietly before turning and continuing into the house. We strode through the house smiling at old pack members as we made our way to the twins office. 

"Knock knock!" I called while knocking on the open door. Jeremiah lifted his head from his paper work. Cassandra sat on his desk messing with her phone, while Josiah was seated in a desk chair next to his brother with his hand rest on Cassandras pregnant stomach. "Ao!" Cassandra squealed sliding off the desk slowly before Josiah grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. "Aofie, Damien." Jeremiah greeted us standing from his desk. "We were not expecting you to be back so soon Aofie." Josiah chimed in with a smirk. Aoife scoffed. "Good to see you too. I came to retrieve my mate." Aofie stated. "Is she ready to go with you?" Jeremiah asked with a raised brow. "I am not sure nor do I care. I have been patient with her, I have given her time. But I can not leave without my mate today, I need her with me." Aofie announced leaving no room for argument. "Sheesh you sound like us." Josiah laughed along with his brother. 

Here we go again...

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