Chapter 7: Serenity

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I finished putting the last of my clothing into my bag. I did not want to go on this trip, and I still had my doubts about the guys. Even after our little moment in the kitchen, he has grown even more distant. Any time I have initiated any type of intimate act he goes along only for a second before running with his tail between his legs. Damien, on the other hand, has had no problems with touching me, although we have been waiting to go further wanting to join together as one. "All ready?" Damien asked walking over and placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled softly at him. "Yeah...I am a bit worried." I began.

"About what?" Damien questioned taking a seat on my bed and pulling me into his lap.  "Aofie..." I started not sure if I even wanted to talk about this right now. "What about him?" Damien pressed. I pursed my lips together struggling to make the decision. "Does he seem distant to you? " I asked looking him in the eye. "He's just dealing with his inner demons, he'll open up soon. In the meantime, you just relax and let's get going." Damien placed a quick kiss on my lips before standing up, grabbing my bags, and leaving the room. Just like that Damien avoided my question. There was something they were not telling me. 

Damien and I walked hand in hand toward the packhouse where we would be meeting Cassandra and the twins. My mind drifted on the way, my thoughts never leaving Aofie and his sudden coldness. "Baby?" Damien waved his hand in front of me. "Oh, yeah?" I stuttered out. He gave me a concerned look before it disappeared as quickly as it came. "We're here." Damien smiled. Letting go of my hand he started loading our bags into the van, I walked over to Cassandra giving her a tight smile. "What's wrong, Ser?" She asked giving me a worried glance. "Nothing...I hope. Aofie started being distant again." I started rubbing my hands up and down my arms. "Have you tried talking to him about it?" Cassandra sighed giving me a pointed look. "I have!" I exclaimed. "Anytime I try to make the first move he shuts me down. When I try to ask Damien, he ignores my questions completely." I started with a sigh. I wanted to trust my mates and communicate with them properly, yet when I try to ask a simple question they completely disregard me. 

"Give him some time. He's battling his demons." Cassandra glared at me. What is going on with her? "What are you glaring at me for?" I pressed my guard shotting up instantly. "You've done nothing but complain about him yet you have not even given him a chance. I am just getting tired of hearing you complain is all." Cassandra shrugged before walking off towards her mates. My heartbeat in my ears as rage surged within me. I hated complaining, I hated being a nuisance, and I hated having mates that will not tell me what is going on! Turning I stalked back towards Damien and our van quickly hopping in the back seat and slamming my door. My wolf surfaced for the first time in years her jealousy thick on my tongue. My claws elongated scratching into the leather seats. I fought her back pushing her back where I had her, caged and in control. At this moment she wanted nothing more than to attack Cassandra and rip her throat out for being TOO close to her mate. 

"Serenity? Are you okay?" Damien's voice rang through the anger-filled haze that blinded me. "I am fine." I growled out, my wolf still very close to the surface." Are you sure? You don't look-" Demaien began before I cut him off. "I said I am fine!" I growled bearing my fangs at him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "We'll be leaving in five. I'm gonna go talk to the twins real quick." Damien eyed me suspiciously before turning and leaving me. Growling lowly I run my hands over my face, I had her under control, and they are making me lose control. 

The front car door slammed and I looked up to find Aofie and Damien staring back at me. "What?" I spit glaring at them. They shared a look before turning back to me. "What happened between you and Cass," Aofie asked. Anger shot through my veins at his use of the nickname he gave her. "Nothing." I grumble out digging my extending claws into my palms and looking out the window. "Serenity." Aofie started with his Alpha tone. "Can we just get going? The sooner we get this stuff done the sooner we can get home." I growled crossing my arm across my chest. 

The ride to the airport was quiet and tense. I could tell Aofie and Damien were communicating through their mind link. I had my barriers up pain washing over my senses every so often as someone tried to link me. Arriving at the airport I quickly hopped out, grabbed my bag and stalked over to the waiting plane. Since the twins controlled so much within their pack they have been able to keep a line of private jets for the pack. This time we were all going on one jet. "Good evening and welcome aboard." The stewardess smiled at me as she took my bags and stored them. I walk all the way to the back of the plane and take a seat. I rummage around in my purse and pull out my phone and headphones. Placing the earbuds in I turn on my meditation music and close my eyes. I force out a barrier around me that will prevent anyone from touching me. I did not know how long this ride would last, I would rather spend my time in the void then dealing with the tension around me. 

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