Chapter 12: Aofie (Mature)

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I paced our room my hands balled into fists at my side. I couldn't stand to be here another second. "Aofie..." Serenity's voice broke me out of my trance. I stopped pacing and turned to see her curled up in Damien's arms, tears streaming down her face. Shit.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking towards them kneeling in front of her. "She had a vision." Damien croaks pulling Serenity further into his lap. "What kind of vision?" I pressed looking her deep in the eyes. "It was a memory...from Jennifer..." She spoke softly.

"When she bumped into me, she..I don't know what she did. But I saw what she did to you-"

"And you're disgusted with me?" My voice grew hard with anger as I held back tears. "Goddess no! I hated what she took from you! I couldn't stand it!" I closed my eyes willing the tears to go away but they didn't. They fell down my cheeks as shame washed through me.

Small arms wrapped around my neck as Serenity pulled me into her. "Don't ever think that way!" She spoke harshly while rubbing small circles into my back. "I...Love you. I always have and always will. She is nothing compared to what we have." Serenity kissed my temple her touch soothing the storm in my head.

"You. Are. MINE. "She growled before claiming my lips with hers. Our lips moved eagerly against each other as my hands gripped her hips and pulled her down onto my lap. Our bodies pressed together tingles running over my skin. I let my hands trail down her waist to her thighs my fingers massaging her soft skin. Serenity moaned against my lips her hips slowly rocking back and forth. I released her lips letting out a deep moan.

"Don't do that..." I growled gripping her hips. She smirked up at me as she pressed her plush breast against my chest. My chest vibrated in content as I enjoyed the feeling of her T-shirt cover chest against mine.

"Serenity..." I growled. She giggled as her small hand trailed down my chest stopping at the hem of my shorts.

"I want you to forget her, to remember my touch and mine only." She purred into my ear. I had begun to protest before stopping and letting out a long moan as her hand gripped the base of my shaft. She stroked me from base to tip, her fingers sending electricity through my body. My length pulsed in her grip as I watched her hand moving with wide eyes.

I jolted in her grip. "Fuck." I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as she slowly stroked me. Her soft warm hands kept a firm hold as she ran her hand slowly up my shaft.

"You are mine, Aofie. This...c*ck,"She whispered licking my neck.
"These lips," she pressed her lips to mine stealing my breath.
"Everything about you is mine. As I am yours." She sounded like a pure seductress as she continued pumping my shift. Suddenly her touch was gone and my eyes snapped open.

Damien had her head pulled back as he devours her lips. I took this as my opportunity to slip my hands into her shorts. She was soaked as I trailed a finger through her wet folds. Her body shook as I continued teasing her. Shifting, Damien pulled her into his lap her yanked her shorts down her legs and spreading them for me. I gripped the hem of my T-shirt she had changed into earlier and pulled it up and over her head, tossing it across the room. I gazed at her beautiful body, curves in all the right places, breasts full and waiting, he sex wet and clenching.

Leaning forward I press soft kisses down her her neck my hands finding her breast and squeezing lightly. Her body shuddered under my touch as I tweaked a hardened bud. I kissed a trail down the valley between her breast stopping and licking here and there.

"Aofie..." she moaned as my head dipped further down her body. I settled my head between her legs lightly licking the inside of her thigh. I press a kiss to the inside of her thigh before I place my mouth over her cl*t and give a hard suck. Serenity's hands fly to my hair holding me in place as I start sucking licking and biting.

"Shit...Aofie....slow-" she lets out a loud moan as I slip a finger into her. Do you want to take her first? Damien's voice rang in my head. Yes. I answer quickly continuing my assault on my mate's body. Leaning back Serenity whimpers at the loss of my lips.

"Are you ready?" I ask taking my c*ck in hand and giving it a few long strokes.

"I am, are you?" She asks with heaving breaths. I nod. Moving closer Damien sits her up pulling her back further into his chest and pushing her lower body out for me. I run the head of my c*ck through her slit enjoying the way her body trembled under me. Slowly I push into her my orgasm coming close. I bury my self into her going in as far as possible. Serenity wraps her arms around my neck as she licks up my neck. My hips begin to rock in and out of her, a string of curses leaving mine and her lips. My hips piston in and out at a steady pace, my skin igniting in pleasure as I revel in the feeling of being inside my mate.

I moan lowly as my stomach begins to tighten. "I'm close..." Serenity answers by clenching into me tighter bringing my orgasm closer. A sharp pain rips through my shoulder before turning into pleasure as Serenity makes me as her own. Serenity's body convulses around me as we both reach our limit, without thinking I sink my teeth into her neck marking her as mine. We hold onto each other as we come down from our high.

"My turn!" Damien grins behind Serenity as he lifts her hips off of mine and rubs his c*ck against her cum soaked slit. I watch as he eases into her his eyes closing in pleasure as he begins with slow thrusts. Serenity takes my length licking me from base to tip. I throw my head back and enjoy the feeling of my mate's touch.

Serenity moans against my c*ck as Damien sinks his teeth into her neck. I watch in fascination as she releases my shaft quickly turning and biting Damien back even as her hand continues to pump me.

We go on for hours as we explore each other's bodies.

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