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As the head of all shadowhunters outside of Idris, Alec Lightwood had the power to do whatever he wanted. Emma and Julian desperately went to him with their problem and he agreed to their terms of exile. Emma would be condoned to the Mexico institute, unable to leave or contact the blackthorns for 3 years. Her exile has finally come to an end and she return to the Los Angeles institute to reunite with the Blackthorns.
* * *

Emma walked into the institute and felt a wave of nostalgia hit her like a ton of bricks. She hadn't realised how much she'd truly missed Los Angeles. She spun slowly on the spot drinking in her surroundings. It looked the same but so different at the same time. She smiled inwardly as the cues around her caused her memories of the place to come rushing back. She made her way to the library where she knew Julian would be waiting. She walked up to the door and hesitated, should she just walk in, should she knock. She suddenly felt very nervous. She decided to knock on the door and heard a soft voice
"Come in." She recognised it at once. Eventhough she hadn't heard it in three years she'd still recognise it anywhere.
She pushed open the doors and stumbled in slightly, the doors were heavier than she remembered, before regaining her balance and turning to Julian who she found sitting at the large table in the middle of the library. Her heart skipped a beat. It felt as though her heart had forced its way out of her chest and was caught in her throat. She felt the goosebumps prickle all down her arms and up her neck. She took a shuddering breath,
"Hey." They stared at each other for what seemed like a long time before Julian broke the silence.
"Come, sit down, I made you some sandwiches." Only then did she notice a plate on the table filled with sandwiches. She nodded and made her way over and sat two seats away from him. She tucked into the sandwiches silently and ate two before turning to speak with Julian again. She spoke hesitantly.
"So, how've you been?"
"Good, yeah erm, I've been busy. I'm the kids tutor now."
"Wow that's so amazing! The kids how are they? How's Ty?"
"He's good, he's at the scholomance, just like he's always wanted to be." Emma clapped her hands together in glee,
"Oh, That's great! I'm happy for him. And Dru? Is she still into horror movies?"
"Oh yeah! Now more than ever."
Julian's eyes lit up as he spoke about his sibling, like they always did. Emma's heart contracted. "I mean she's 16 now so she's into much scarier movies than she used to be and a lot more darker."
"And-and Tavvy? What's he like now?"
"Well he changed a lot, I mean obviously he's older now but sometimes he can be very childish, like his brain is a few years behind his actual age but his fighting skills are amazing. He asked about you, a lot in the beginning, then one day he just stopped." Emma fell her heart sinking.
"I don't think he's forgotten about you though, no one could." He said softly before quickly looking away.
"I-I got presents, for the kids. One for every birthday I missed. Well Christina did most of the buying because I couldn't leave the institute but I chose the presents." Julian looked back at her and smiled.
"Well I'm sure they'll be pleased, you know how kids are with presents."
Emma nodded.
"So, what was mexico like?"
"Different. I mean don't get me wrong it was beautiful and amazing but, it's not L.A. But I loved being with Christina. And now that I'm not with her I miss her a lot. She missed you guys too. Whenever we spoke about you she always said she'd come and visit after my exile was over."
"We'd all love to see her again, especially Mark. He didn't visit her in the 3 years you were gone. He thought it would be unfair that-"
"That what?"
"That we have to suffer alone."
"Oh." Emma looked down at her hands and crossed them in her lap.
"So are you uh, seeing anyone?" Julian's eyes flashed.
"Actually I am, I'm seeing a vampire, Abbi. Remember Lily Chen? She introduced us." She felt her heart break into a million pieces.
"Oh, right."
"We've only been dating for a little while. What about you?"
"Well not really, I had a bit of a thing with one of Christina's cousins, Jesus, but I erm, I just couldn't."
She looked away from Julian. They sat in a silence more awkward than the first. It had never been awkward between her and Jules. She felt her heart breaking more and more.
"You must be tired," She said finally breaking the silence that stretched out infinitely between them. "Especially if you've been training the kids today."
"Yeah I guess so. I'll just take that plate and clean up the kitchen a little."
He walked over and Emma handed him the plate. Their hands brushed together sending electric shocks up Emma's arm. He left in silence. Emma contemplated whether or not to follow him. She wanted to hold him so badly it hurt. She wanted to hug him and kiss him and make up for all the time they'd lost, she needed to. Needed to hold him close and here the reassuring rhythm of his heartbeat and feel his arms around her, making her forget about everyone and everything. But it seemed as though he'd forgotten about their love. The love that ran so deep she could feel it in her bones, in every fibre of her being.
She couldn't bare it anymore.
She got up and walked to the kitchen, determined to see if he had any feelings for her left. She pushed open the kitchen door and met his eyes. He held her gaze for a few moments before marching towards her and pulling her close. Their mouths found one another and they were kissing. Any doubts she'd had instantly fled from her mind. She wound her hands into his hair and tugged it as he kissed her with a bruising force. He sucked on her lip and she moaned softly against his mouth and when he bit her lip she gasped and pulled him against her harder and pulled on his hair. His tongue slipped into her mouth and crashed with hers. He broke away first and laughed.
"Woah. That was- sorry it's just, I've been waiting a long time to do that."
"I thought you had a girlfriend," Emma whispered, searching his face, still clutching him.
"Nah," Julian said gently pushing back the hair that had fallen across her face. "We only went out once because Lily literally forced me to. Did you actually think I would ever love anyone that wasn't you? You burn so brightly that no one could match or dull your flame." She pressed her forehead to his.
"Julian Blackthorn, the only person in the world that can leave me speechless."
"You only have to say one thing to me and I'll know it's the truth."
"Oh yeah," she teased, moving her head away from his, "what's that?"
She lifted herself up on her toes and met his lips.
"Tell me, tell me you love me." He murmured against her mouth. She broke away from him and and stared into his eyes.
"I love you, I always have, even if I didn't know it. But I do now. And I love you more everyday. And no distance will ever change that. We've been apart for three years and my love for you never faltered, not for a single moment. I love you. I love you. I love you." He pressed his forehead back to hers.
"Emma, my Emma." He whispered before bending down to kiss her again.

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