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Daniel turned on his side and felt something soft under his body. He lifted up his head and opened his eyes. It was dark - still night, so it didn't help to give him the idea what the softness was in his bed. He padded around with his hand and remembered the wall. The pillow wall. The god damn pillow wall. He turned back on his back and let out a silent sigh. The wall of pillows was made by Daniel because he knew Elvira was more comfortable by that - she was drunk and didn't have the brains anymore to do it herself. But it was giving Daniel less space in his own bed. Those pillows were maybe ten centimetres wide. Less is more, but this was; less space is annoying.

He grabbed the pillows and threw them off the bed. The loud sound of getting them smashed on the ground woke Elvira up.

"What are you doing?" She whispered tiredly and turned on her side, facing away from the sound.

"Breaking the wall," Daniel whispered and threw the third, also the last pillow on the ground.

"Whatever," she mumbled and snuggled back to sleep.

Daniel turned on his side, his face towards Elvira's back and closed his eyes. The more space in his own bed was making him more comfortable at the end, and this was his best decision of the day for so far.

Elvira deeply inhaled and opened her eyes before staring at the ceiling. Despite the fact her head was pounding, she had a good night rest. She moved her arm next to her head and touched the soft, warm skin of someone else. It made her turn her head to her left to see the human being next to her. A small smile appeared her face. Daniel was still peacefully asleep. She looked back at the ceiling and snuggled more in the white, soft blanket.

"Morning," Daniel mumbled and turned on his stomach. He blew out a breath of air and looked at Elvira.

"Hi," she whispered and yawned.

"There is one thing we won't continue on doing: the bloody pillow wall," he ranted. His voice was still hoarse and deep from his sleep.

"I know," Elvira agreed and closed her eyes again.

"I had no space last night, my goodness," he mumbled. "Anyway, how did you sleep?"

"Why did you do the pillow wall anyway? I didn't make it," she asked, confused.

Daniel hummed. "Because it's a habit and I guess I did it automatically because you were untreatable, my lord."

She smirked and yawned again. "Besides having a terrible headache, I slept pretty well. You?"

He licked his lips. "Besides having no space due to the pillow wall, I slept good," he copied her sentence and got a cheeky smile on his face when he looked at her.

"Oh, goodness," she mumbled disappointedly. "We won't do it again, okay? Now, stop complaining about that." He smirked at her annoyed tone in her voice. "I don't understand why I keep drinking so much alcohol when I know I will feel terrible the morning after."

"It feels good on the moment itself," Daniel answered her. "You don't drink that often. When was the last time?"

"When feeling shit afterwards?" She frowned. Daniel nodded and comforted his head by leaning on his arm. "A few weeks ago. Marith and I first had lunch, and after work, we went back to the same place to drink wine, and I don't know what we drank. Wouldn't recommend that on a work night."

He snorted. "Who is Marith?" It was a name he never had heard before.

"Marith, Swedish colleague from the UK edition. She's kind," Elvira answered and sighed. "Whe-"

"Woman, stop sighing. It makes me feel I ask annoying questions," Daniel cut her off and pressed his lips into a thin line.

She rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her stomach. "Well, I'm sorry, but it feels nice to do it sometimes, like a nice refreshment of relieve," she spoke and faked a smile. He smirked. "Anyway, what I was trying to say: when was the last time you felt shit after drinking too much alcohol?"

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