Red Bull or Renault

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Elvira groaned when she couldn't untangle her headphones. "Those goddamn headphones," she mumbled and placed her legs on the couch to made her seat more comfortable. She leaned to the back and laid her head on the rail of the sofa.

Daniel grabbed the headphones from her hand and started to untangle it. "Maybe, just a suggestion, it is time to buy a new phone," he suggested and looked at her.

"Hmm-hmm," she hummed and straightened her back again. The sound of FaceTime confirmed her mother picked up the call. Elvira looked at the screen and signed to hold on for a second.

"You really need to."

"It's just my private phone, it's not that I use it as much as I use my work phone," she said. Daniel raised his eyebrows. "And I ordered a new phone, calm down. The thing is working fine, beside the microphone, but with the ear."

"What you want, El. I'm just saying your iPhone is slowly dying."

"Ya, ya."

Daniel threw the untangled headphones back, and Elvira plugged them in her phone. "Mamma," she smiled. "How is it going?" Her eyes scanned her mother on the screen while she was putting in her headphones in her ears.

"El! I'm good, and you?" Her mother placed her glasses on her nose. "Are you at Daniel's?" She said when she noticed the sunny view on the background on Elvira's side - giving her mother the signs she was in Monaco.

"I'm fine. Yeah, I'm at Daniel's." Elvira looked at her screen. Daniel looked at Elvira when he heard her mention his name. "I have to tell you something," she continued.

"Hmm-hmm. What is it?"

"I know this will sound odd," she began and snuggled against Daniel. "Very odd," she yawned. "But I am gonna marry Daniel."

"Ho, stop it right there. Marry Daniel?" Her mother blurted.

Elvira nodded. "Yes. See, this ring is official." Her hand was filmed while showing the ring.

"As in, Daniel Daniel? Daniel Ricciardo? The kid you grew up with?"

Elvira rolled her eyes and placed her head against Daniel's arm. Daniel looked at the phone of Elvira and studied Juliana. "Yes. I don't know more Daniels, so yeah. Daniel Ricciardo."

Her mother parted her lips, and a thin line appeared between her eyebrows. "I don't know if I should laugh or cry or do both. Why out of the sudden? Are you dating then?"

"No, of course, we are not dating, what the hell," Elvira grumbled.

"What? People date and then marry. Not marry because it's funny."

"Mamma," Elvira sighed. "Well, you know, I will probably die alone since nobody loves me. I only live once, so why not? Plus Daniel doesn't have a love life as well, so yeah. Life is boring when everything is plain and not weird or whatever you call it."

"Oh, yes. Thanks very much," Daniel scoffed.

Her eyes found his. "Don't deny it is not true."

"I know."

"But I need more explanation, please." Her mother sounded impatient.

"We were just talking on being parents and whatever, noticing we both are alone and single. We know each other for a long time and why not? We just marry for fun, as a joke and we will see how it turns out." Elvira told in one breath and shrugged.

Her mother sighed. "Disappointed, but not surprised. You do whatever you want to do, but don't come and cry at the end. How did he ask and when it the big day?" She put an accent on 'big' with a sarcastic tone.

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