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In the few weeks that had already passed, Anthony thought he'd finally gotten the gist of things; feed the human, keep it warm, keep it safe, and try to find a way to pass it to another bigger creature. That wasn't an easy task, almost impossible, but it was a routine that he could try to get used to for a few more weeks if need was.

Unfortunately, he should've known better than to expect an easy routine for too long, and bigger troubles had already started to show up.

"G'morning baby," he greeted the human and walked up to it with cautious steps. It only made a strange happy sound but didn't otherwise do anything or reach out for him. He couldn't see much from behind the grass but he already caught glimpse of red marks on its legs. And upon closer -and even more cautious - inspection, he found marks on its chest as well.

The sight set him on edge. He had hoped it would've disappeared overnight, but he hadn't gotten such luck for any past night; and if anything, the red spots and buttons and scratches only seemed to spread out. Anthony hoped he would be wrong, but it even seemed like the human had grown a little queasier and paler behind its muddied and bruised skin, even it's movements seemed a little sloppy for an energetic young human. There was nothing he could do about all that. Still, he needed to do something about right then, before it was too late. He hadn't managed to keep it alive and rather healthy only for something so trivial as hygiene to get to it.

But what could he do about hygiene? It wasn't like he lived the cleanest life himself, so he had nothing to offer regarding that. He could offer no clean food, water, bandages, medicine, or anything of the sort, as those weren't things he could find abandoned outside or thrown out in a dumpster. Those were the luxuries only big people had in their homes.

The thought alone of big people was enough to make his chest tightened a little. He hated them and he hated thinking about them, but it seemed that now he would need to. He hated them, but he wasn't afraid of them, so if he really needed to think of a solution involving big people, then what did it matter? Nothing. It didn't matter. He could set his pride aside and seek aid or supplies from them once in a while. It wasn't for him anyway, only for another big person who was too young and incapable to fetch for themselves.

Anthony could manage a trip to the big people's village.


Much later that night, Anthony stood in front of the large door of a home belonging to a nice young lady and her children. It was a house he chose with great care after considering all his option for the entire day. He was sure things would be alright for him here, or as fine as he could hope for.

He knocked softly on the door, twice, three times. His wrist ached and froze and refused to obey. Even Anthony refused to obey to himself, but he felt he had to. He knocked again three times, harder and harsher both to be heard and ease the tenseness in his wrist. Almost a moment passed while which his heart rate shot up. 'My master sent me to ask for soap please,' he repeated in his head again and again. Only one sentence and he'd be off. Only a few words to exchange, he could manage, he could manage...

Had the lady who lived there not heard him? Or was he being ignored? He was so small, of course he was being ignored, no one wanted anything to do with him. But still! Maybe he really had knocked too softly, and in that case he'd need to knock again. But what if it was too much and he was bothering the house owner?

He knocked again, much louder this time, much too loud he realized. He hadn't meant to. He didn't want to pester anyone and yet he was. And no one liked to be pestered by a pest like himself. He cursed himself and hastily knocked again a little softer as if it would take back his previous action. But then it struck him that he had knocked far too many times and didn't even feel himself doing it. He ripped his hand from the wooden frame and took several steps back.

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