Chapter 16 - Could've Gone Worse

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As if on cue, as soon as Vaine had said my name, it started. That screaming, piercing hum. The sound of death, the sound of my mom's death. It tore at my ears, it cut at my soul.

"MAKE IT STOP!!!" I started screaming. "STOP DOING IT YOU FUCKERS!!!" The sound was in my head. I didn't understand how they were doing it. They were in my head. The three black suits were still in the same place, a few steps away from me, staring at me blankly. The speakers were silent, but I could just imagine Vaine pleasured at my expense. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"

It was probably only seconds, but it felt like eternity. It felt as though my mind was being ripped apart. My body began to shake violently, and every muscle in my body began to pulse. It was all in rhythm with my bounding heart. My chest was pounding so furiously that it almost winded me. The leather straps against my wrist began to cut into my skin as my body wrestled against them. I was mindlessly screaming, and the black suits' faces soon showed nothing but confusion. Although the hum was deafening, I could hear what the black suits were saying with perfect clarity, and they were whispering.

"Are you doing this...?" One of them whispered.

"No... Is he...?" The other said, motioning to the third. The third one glanced at the other two from the other side of me and shook his head. All of a sudden, my vision began to get brighter and turn red. I closed my eyes, but the light was still there. It was as if there was a bright light on the inside of my eyelids. It felt as though it was burning through my skull.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!??" I screamed. Inside of me, I felt a fire. I was burning up, sweating uncontrollably, my anger was literally burning inside of me. My eyes shot open, the whites of my eyes and irises now completely pitch black, and I called out.

"HKHRAK!!! HKHRAK!!! HKHRAK!!!" The sounds I emitted caused the black suits to stagger backwards in fear. The sounds I made scared even me. They were ungodly. I breathed heavily, and loudly. I glared at the camera. My voice had become deep and demonic. "I'm coming for you."

I let out a supersonic screech, stunning the three black suits and shattering the camera. The black suits were kneeling on the ground, grabbing their ears. I flexed, my muscles had swollen to three times their normal size. Adrenaline's a mighty nice thing, or at least, it made me feel better to blame adrenaline for what was happening to me.

I easily ripped through the leather bindings holding me to the table, and my wings, tied with rope, broke free. I jumped off the right side of the table and landed next to one black suit, the other two on the opposite side jumped to their feet. The one on the ground in front of me looked up, and I shattered his skull with a single kick. His limp body flew backwards into the wall, shards of ruby bone littering the ground behind him. He hit the wall, indenting it, then fell to the ground. His face was unrecognizable, nothing more than ripped tissue, blood, and broken bone.

The other two weren't smiling anymore as I turned my head to see them. They were growling quietly, but I could still hear them clearly over the burning hum scratching at my skull. One of them let out a monstrous roar, sounding like a bear. I shifted my feet, and spread my wings, and they planted their feet firmly on the ground. I smirked, then disappeared. I moved so quickly that they couldn't follow.

I appeared behind the one that roared, grabbed his head, and spun it around 180 degrees, cleanly snapping his neck. He fell to the ground instantly, as I stepped to the left with my right foot towards the final black suit, and in one smooth motion, landed a powerful right hook, feeling his cheek shatter against my fist. He was lifted off his feet and flew to the side, but managed to catch himself as he fell. He was hunched over as he tried to regain his footing. I lifted my right hand, paused for a moment and just stared at this pitiful, fateless creature. I felt nothing.

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