Chapter 7

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(Third day before anniversary.)

Kueen was seated by her window, looking out at the night sky when the starting of a car drew her attention to the property's driveway. There she saw the car of her husband remembering the events of more than half an hour before, she figured out who he was going to see. Sabrina. She watched the car until it left her sight, ahe asked herself how much more was she going to take. If it was up to her she would of left already but her pride is what kept her in place. She wanted Derek to know that he can't just have her whenever he wants while still having a girl on the side.

Kueen left her room knowing full well she had the house all to herself until he had decided to come back.  Going to the cabinet in the far corner she took out one of the bottles of scotch which she would only disturb for Derek when there would be guests. Reaching up into the cupboards she removed a glass. She poured the honey colored liquid into the glass. The substance burned her throat as it travelled down her pipe. Taking the whole bottle and unfinished glass into the living room, she sat and drank the alcohol all night like it was water. She drank for her unfortune. For her children, Dante and Lucas who were at their grandparents. For her broken marriage. Finally, for her cheating husband.

When the bottle was half empty, she returned it from the cabinet she had taken it from and the glass in the washer sink. Passing the living room she saw the clock saying that the time was almost three in the morning. She journeyed upstairs, almost passing the guest her husband was to be asleep in but she knew he wasn't. Kueen contemplated between confronting him head-on or pretending that she never noticed he left. Hearing the car, which she knew was his, made her decide instead of losing anymore of the sleep she so needed she would leave him alone... for now.

(Second day before anniversary)

Kueen sat at her vanity mirror doing her makeup for the day. The door to her room opened to reveal Derek on the outside. She took one look at him then returned her focus back on highlighting her face.
Derek, wrapped in only a towel, walked up beside Kueen, "I got something for you last night" he said to her.
"What?" she asked.
"Your favourite roses".
"So getting me blue roses took you more than four hours to get" she stated. "Where exactly did you rush off to last night, Derek?" she now faced him, while staring him in the eyes.
"I-uhh. I went out...." he struggled out, "For a walk" he seemingly discovered.
"How was it?"
"What?" Derek replied confusedly.
"How was your 'walk'?" Kueen clarified.
"It was... good?" he asked as a response.

"That's nice to hear" Kueen stretched out a hand to receive what he was giving. He handed her the roses.
"I'm gonna go get dressed for work" he smiled seeing she accepted the bouquet of roses not meant for her. He went into the walk in closet on the other side of the room, that belonged to him, and closed the door.

Kueen still sitting down at her vanity, observed the roses she had gotten. She observed them but saw nothing wrong. She placed them in the empty vase present in their room.

Derek returns from his closet, looks on his wife's back turned to him and said, "I think we should have a romantic dinner tonight."
"And why is that?" asked his wife.
"It's been a long time since we last had one. Plus, it'll give us a chance to talk. Like we used to"
"I'm guessing you're going to be the one to ask your mother to watch the boys tonight again."
"Yeah. So is that a yes" he rubbed the back of his neck, awaiting confirmation.
"Yes. Though I might be a little later than usual, so you'll have to order takeout" she said.
"That's fine".
"Don't forget to take your measurements today, for your parents' anniversary." she told him before he left their room.

Soon Derek had left the house a few minutes before Kueen did. They both worked hard throughout the day doing different things. Kueen: checking and managing her boutique, and Derek: working in his soundproof office with Sabrina sucking his dick while secretly planning his romantic dinner with his wife in the late evening.


Word count: 757 words
I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of this chapter. I added a count down of the anniversary day, to not make you confuse.

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