Chapter 21

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"Who attacked Derek?"

Everyone was silent, the hall was silent except from a slight electric hum coming from the operation room.

Paloma looked down to take a few deep breaths. Looking at her husband, Cristobal from across the room and slightly shaking her head, she looked back at Kueen.

"It's being taken care of. Let's wait and see about Derek," she said.

Kueen knew that something wasn't right, but after looking at everyone's expressions she realized no one wanted to talk about now.

She sat back in her chair and just stared at the glowing sign above the operation room.

Kueen kind of felt guilty because she hoping that Derek had signed the papers before he was beaten in the head. Then her mind strayed to thinking that if he didn't survive, then she would become a widow--that was not what she wanted to become. She looked at how everyone was held captive in their own thoughts, and remembering how Paloma cried made her feel guilty even more, but she just couldn't help but having these thoughts, since it was all a possibility.

She wanted to go home to check on the boys but she had to stay a little longer, being that she was his wife. Though she was told that the boys were unarmed and they didn't see anything, she wanted to be there for them instead sitting in this gloomy hall.

Sabrina pushed the door of her house open, her parents had been calling her for so long it must be of extreme importance of even her father had called, which he never does, right? That was what Sabrina had been thinking.

Before she walked further in to the house she heard shouts.

"-- has finished our family. Your useless daughter had done this in college to a nobody and I dealt with that... she thinks she can run after doing this. I will find her myself then drag her to the main Gonzales house myself," through her father's he had become reckless, but what had happened to make him want to bring her to the main house of the Gonzales family.

Sabrina thought back to the blood on her hands, he had also brought up her college incident... something was not right. There was a ominous feeling in her heart. She was hesitant to go in.

Looking at her hands that still had some blood on it and it now confirmed the thought she had while driving over, she had hurt or maybe killed someone.

She walked into the living room to see her mother on the floor crying her cheek held a distinctive hand print. Her father was seated some distance away with the snake sitting by his side, rubbing up his arms and whispering things Sabrina would not like to hear, into his ear.

"Mom!?" She ran up to her mother and got her to to try to sit up on the closest couch.

"No, Sabrina. What are you doing here? Leave now. Leave before you are caught," her mother continued to shout, telling her to leave, not come back and that she is going to die.

When Mr Beau saw Sabrina, he was filled with shock. He had thought she had ran away for sure. The surprise left and his anger from before had now multiplied he called for his personal guards, who had been standing in the corners all along, to get thick enough rope to tie her up.

Sabrina was still oblivious to that, she was more concerned about her mother. She was angry that her father had slapped her so hard there was no way she could cover this up with makeup.

When she made her mother to lie down on the couch, her hands were pulled behind her back and tied up with rope. The guards made her lie down on the carpet and tied her feet together. They weren't rough but they weren't nice either.

Sabrina was shouting for them to stop and let her go but they simply ignored her. After all they were doing what their boss told them to do, it wasn't on their own accord.

"We're just doing our job, Miss Beau," one of them said before he gagged her.

Mr Beau got up from where he was seated and came over to where she was. Without even glancing at the frightened Sabrina on the floor he told the guards, "Take her to the car, I'm going to call Mr Gonzales. You can put her in the trunk." Then he walked out and sat in the car waiting for the guards while making the call to Cristobal.

At the hospital, Kueen was on the brink of sleep when a phone rang and made her jumped a little.

She looked around and saw Cristobal with his phone in hand. He had a cold expression once he saw the number, getting up he went further down the hall away from  them before answering the call.

When he finished the call he called Mario to come with him and told Paloma that they had to take of some business.

Seeing this as an opportunity Kueen also turned to Paloma, "I have to go too, mom. I haven't seen the boys all day. Call me if the doctor comes out okay?"

Though Paloma was hesitant to let her leave, she understood that she was worried for the boys.

Cristobal and Mario left before Kueen even got up, Kueen had tried to wonder what could pull him away but then remembered what Paloma had said, and shivered. She already knew that there were more than some skeletons in the closet of the Gonzalez family, so she left it alone.

When she got home the house was quiet, she went up to Dante and Lucas's room and saw that they were sleeping, she also saw Martha sleeping on the couch inside.

Kueen went to her own room, stripped down to her her birthday suit and fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.


Word count: 1005 words

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