Chapter 11

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(Night of the anniversary)

Once the doors had opened to welcome Kueen with her family and guests, almost everyone had stopped what they were doing to set their eyes on the gorgeous sight at the double doors of the main ballroom. She had garnered the attention of the men in the room- married,single and otherwise. Kueen had a modest smirk on her face as her eyes searched the crowd for a particular pair of eyes. Farther in the back of the room, they were. Those eyes watched her with envy and hate filled blue eyes.

Though Kueen clearly saw the bitter emotions displayed on the woman's face, she smiled a bright smile. She knew she had done a good job by arriving fashionably early, yet later than most.

With one hand hooked through Derek's looped one, she turned towards her sons and told them to go to their grandparents and that they'll soon be their. She directed her husband in the direction of the sour-faced woman towards the back of the room, smiling and briefly greeting some of the guests as they passed by them.

"Hello, Sabrina." she separated from her husband and went to the woman who had managed to put on a smile and air-kissed her cheeks while holding on to her shoulders.

"You look gorgeous, Kueen." she replied looking at her from head to toe, holding on to her upper arms. She turned her head, "Derek." she acknowledged. Sabrina kept her eyes on Kueen's husband until Kueen started talking.
"You look, good as well. Though I would've thought you would have worn something a bit less revealing." Kueen says in regards to Sabrina's skin tight, purple dress that showed off the curves she hardly had which ended well above her knees.

"Well.. anyway, I have to go speak with mamá and papá. I'll see you later." Kueen says again. She takes Derek by the hand and they both started walking over towards Paloma and Cristobal Gonzalez.

"Good evening, papá. Happy Anniversary." Kueen greets her father-in-law with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

He laughs, "Thank you, dear."

She looks towards her mother-in-law and greets her the same way. The tension between her parents-in-laws didn't go unnoticed by Kueen, but she didn't ask because she had a clue of what it could've been.

Though Kueen was very aware of the atmosphere surrounding the supposed happy couple, Derek seemed to be anywhere but there. He wasn't looking for or at Sabrina but he was very deep in his thoughts. Derek stood with his hands deep in his pockets wondering why his mistress would be invited to his parent's anniversary party.

Kueen had left him to go to ger sons, Dante and Lucas were playing with each other at the food table, which consisted of many different foods from many different places.

When they had seen her they stopped playing and went to her. Together the three of them danced and laughed at their missteps.

Somewhere else at the party, Sabrina watched with angry eyes. They looked happy. It was so hard to see them so happy.
As she continued on watching Kueen with her boys, she didn't recognize the presence drawing closer to her until she heard them.
"She looks magnificent, doesn't she?" Paloma says standing next to Sabrina.

When she turns to face her, she wears an eerie smile on her nude coloured lips. "I think it's high time we had a talk, don't you?" she asks.
Before waiting for a response, "Lets walk." she says before walking off.
Sabrina still in a phase of shock, follows behind Paloma outside. It was when they had reached the garden, Paloma sat down on one of the benches present. She taps the space beside her, beckoning Sabrina to sit with her. Sabrina was surprised at this, never had the matron of the Gonzalez family said more than two words to her with a straight face or occasionally looked her up and down with a disapproving frown. Though as suspicious of the elderly woman as she was she sat down.

"I know that you must find it odd that I would want to talk to you, but when you're seeing my married son I feel it necessary that we have this talk." Sabrina almost choked on her spit, she knew was all she could think.
She looked at Paloma, but didn't expect to see the woman smiling.
"What...How-uh?" she struggled to form a coherent question.

"I'm my son's mother." was Paloma answers her unasked question.

"I'm not going to ask you any questions about this... relationship you have with Derek. I didn't call you out here for that. I want to offer you a proposal." she adds when Sabrina said nothing.

"I'm not leaving, Derek." Sabrina says. "He's preparing divorce papers to hand to your beloved Kueen."

"Is that so." Paloma nods her head, knowing full well that her son would do no such thing if he wanted to keep his inheritance. Even at the age of thirty, Derek could still lose his fortune, no matter what he's done for the company, if he ever proved to be careless. "It irks me how you can just go through life, continuing to destroy lives. After all that you and your family had done." Paloma's voice had turned serious, like her face.

Sabrina was confused on what she was being accused of. She made her confusion clear on her face for Paloma to see.

At her reaction, Paloma's eyes narrowed dangerously, before she closed her them and took in a deep breath. She exhales when she reopens her eyes and stares at the heartless woman before her. "You don't even remember." she says more to herself in a whisper. She wondered exactly how cruel the Beau family was.
"Let me jog your memory. Gabriella Johnson, a once soon to be mother and now a drug addict after she lost her child." at the name Sabrina involuntarily tensed. "She was also the then girlfriend of Sebastian Lordwell, the father of her expected child. Who was also your ex-boyfriend." Paloma adds.

Sabrina had gotten a deathly pale, her body had become numb with fear. She couldn't know she thought to herself.

"You see, Sabrina, I'm a very generous person. I more than anyone understand that this is a phase in my son's life, one that will pass quickly. So if you think about it, I'm doing you a favour. Break off whatever it is you have with my Derek, and I won't release my findings to the press. Or the police." Paloma stands up brushing off the invisible dust that had fallen on her by sitting so close to Sabrina. "This is my proposition to you, Sabrina. It's up to you whether you want to take it or leave it. Just know that as generous as I am, I am a woman of my word. Also, you won't be the only one suffering, but your family as well. While they'd be lucky if they make it to prison, it's more than like you'll be locked up in an asylum. Please enjoy the rest of the party. Don't forget what we discussed, dear." with all that being said, Paloma graced Sabrina with another smile before leaving her sitting there like she had not just threatened to expose her darkest secret.

Sabrina knew that being close to Derek was now super dangerous, not only for her but her family as well. But she needed him. She needed his help handling his mother.

Sabrina shook herself from her state of shock, and went back into the ballroom with the intention of finding Derek and telling him as much as he needed to know to help her stop his mother.

When she had been looking around, her eyes caught the two dancing figures. The woman clad in a beautiful wine red dress adorned with frills and two slits, exposing both her legs. The man wore a suit that was clearly made just for him, which complimented the dress the woman wore. Kueen and Derek both danced together. As she watched them both, she could feel the intimidating gaze of someone on her. She turned in the direction she felt it from and saw none but Paloma Gonzalez with a smile on her face, when she saw Sabrina looking at her she raised the champagne glass present in her hand as she held onto her husband who for awhile also looked at Sabrina before looking away.

Sabrina walked to the impressively makeshift bar, there she sat and watched her man dancing with his wife, while their children ran all around the room full of guests. She waited there until Kueen and Derek finished dancing. She got up and walked towards Derek who was standing alone after Kueen had walked away to check on the boys.

"Derek, we need to talk." she says frantically.
"Sabrina? What? You know that I can't leave Kueen and the boys here. Now." he says trying to keep his dace straight, for the nosey people around them.

"Please, Derek. We need to talk. It's.. It's really important. Please just come with me." she begs.

Derek watches her before responding, "I can't leave now, but- but, I'll come see you tomorrow after work. Ok?" When he looks around and sees that Kueen is walking in their direction, she turns to Sabrina then walks away to meet Kueen halfway.

Sabrina couldn't stay any longer, so she left. Though before she left she looks at Kueen making a promise to take what was hers.

Word count:1609 words

Remember to check out my other story, Last Kiss. I just updated another chapter.

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