Chapter 23

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Surprisingly Kueen slept peacefully through the night. When she woke up she almost took in everything around her with her yawns.

She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. Then she left the room and went to check if Dante and Lucas were still in their rooms along with Martha.

After pushing open the door to the boys' room she saw that no one was there and the bed was already made. She guessed that they were probably downstairs since the boys didn't have school. Kueen took the stairs and went downstairs.

Hearing some noises from the living room that's where she went directly.

Kueen saw both Dante and Lucas playing with their train sets together. Martha was seated down a couch nearby and watching them closely.

She greeted the boys with a kiss on their heads. Though they replied, they concentrated more on working their trains.

Observing the boys play a little longer, Kueen then signalled for Martha to follow her to the kitchen.

Martha nodded before telling Dante and Lucas to behave themselves then went to the kitchen.

She saw Kueen leaning on the counter when she got there. She already knew what was to come next.

"Martha, can you tell me exactly what happened yesterday?" she asked.

Martha nodded, "Yes, Ma'am. Yesterday some hours after you leave. That young girl, Sabrina, came and asked if you were here before she ask for Mr Derek. I tell her he was in the living room. When she went their I went to the laundry room to finish washing the clothes since Dante and Lucas was asleep..."

"What happened after that?" Kueen asked seeing that Martha stopped talking.

"Ma'am I not sure you know. When I was washing the clothes I hear Mr. Derek shouting like him very angry but I couldn't hear good. Ma'am I thought they were just cussing each other so I didn't check. But Ma'am after all him shouting I hear some things breaking in the living room. I was very hesitant to go and look cause I never want to mix up with them but then I hear a car start up and it gone very fast. The poor gate man said him the car almost go straight through the gate. I went to the living room with the broom, the mop and the bucket after I fill it up with some detergent so I can clean up the living room. I say Ma'am when I get to the living room I never did expect to see so much blood. Hm. Mr Derek was face down on the floor with him head a bleed a lot, so I call the hospital to send an ambulance. Then I tried calling you but I wasn't getting through so I then call Miss Paloma and tell her what happened. By the time I finished the ambulance came and I told her which hospital it was. She say I must stay and look after the boys until you come back. That's all that happen yesterday, Ma'am," she then took a deep breath to sooth her lungs.

Kueen looked at Martha and though her mind was still processing what was said to her in part Patois and English she said, "Martha, I didn't know you could talk so much."

Martha's mouth was almost open as if she wanted to say something back but seeming to remember that this was her employer she closed her mouth.

After some silence, Martha excused herself to go back to the living room where the boys were still playing

Word count: 601 words.

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