...Or You'll Be Drowned

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Elsa still had to look for the answers from the past, and discover the truth about the enchanted forest. Just after her encounter with her mother, and finally finding herself, a bunch of memories came to her (literally). They were just like the ice statues at the enchanted forest, but this ones could move and Elsa could actually hear them. Out of all those memories, the first one she saw was Anna and her as little kids, playing in the snow. Then she saw herself singing let it go, she cringed at the sight of it. After that, there was the duke of Weaseltown... I mean, Weselton, dancing, she moved her shoulders, dancing along. There was when Anna and Hans met, Elsa frowned and destroyed Hans' figure. Elsa stopped when she encountered a memory of her parents
—I love you- King Agnarr said to Iduna
—I have something to tell you about my past- the queen said
—I hear you- Agnarr responded
Elsa moved on to the next memory, where her parents were kids, her father was reading a book while her mother came out of a tree
—What are you reading?- young Iduna asked
—Oh, just a new danish author- Agnarr answered
There was another memory where Iduna hid herself and Agnarr under a blanket at the back of a tumbril.
Elsa finally got to a memory of her grandfather, Elsa was shocked after hearing him talking about how magic was bad, and how they should destroy it
—You're just afraid of it, and fear doesn't lead anywhere- Elsa said angrily
The figures moved out of the place they were on, and Elsa followed them, almost falling into a hole, leading to where more figures of the Northuldra people were going. Just then, a part of Iduna's lullaby could be heard

"Dive down deep into her sound
But not to far, or you'll be drowned"

Ignoring the message in her mother's song, Elsa jumped into the hole, getting to something that looked like the forest, but frozen. She could see how the Northuldra leader talked to her grandfather about the dam, and how it wasn't helpful for them, her grandfather pretended to agree, but he attacked the Northuldra leader afterwards. Elsa was shocked, but before she could do anything, she started freezing, just the same way Anna did when she froze her heart. Before freezing completely, with her powers, Elsa sent what she had found about the past to her sister
—Anna!- She said, before freezing completely

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