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"Sorry dad I'm practising with Sugawara..."

"Oh. That's okay, it just means I've got more pizza!" I chuckle a little. "Save me some though~"

"No can do I'm hungry as fuuuuuucckkk." I chuckle some more and let out a fake sigh. "Fine, eat all the pizza."

"Thank you~"

"Just don't get sick okay? Or too drunk. I can't carry you, you're too heavy."

"You've never had to carry me! I've always been really good if I've gotten drunk!!"

"I know I know. Just look after yourself more."

"Says my son who has two broken fingers and is going to practice with a friend AGAINST MY WISHES MAY I ADD."

"Okay bye~~" I hang up and smile to myself as I sit back on the bench outside of the gym and text Sugawara for the fifth time.

I'm here
Yo it's 19:38 where are you?
It's 19:53 where art thou?
Is now 20:10 so I'll wait for thirty minutes in case traffic is bad


I do as my last message reads and keep my face hidden in my scarf. The crisp air getting to me more then usual considering I love the cold.

But did he forget?

Or is there another reason he isn't showing up?

Did think 'fuck him' and stayed at home and isn't answering his phone on purpose?

Or is he practising with someone else because they're higher priority?

Time flies by whilst I'm spacing out trying to think of the reason why he isn't here and only just look at my phone when an alarm I set ages ago starts going off and telling me to go to sleep.

It's nine in the evening. I was supposed to wait thirty more minutes not a whole other hour.

I get up and put my phone back in my pocket before starting to walk back home, a mixture of negative emotions swirling around inside me. And I'm not sure if I should be angry, fed up, frustrated, sad, depressed or worried. So my brain just automatically picks to be depressed and I walk through the front door of the apartment quietly because I just want to go to bed and not have dad hassle me about how practice went when practice didn't even go. I walk into the lounge and expect dad to be in his armchair so I can sneak past behind him but freeze in my tracks when I see coach Ukai sitting next to my dad with my dads arm around his shoulders and his forearm rEsTiNg On MY DADS THIGH. 


"UH HEY OREKI!!" They immediately stop touching each other and I whisper to myself as a crisis starts to occur. "Why does the weird shit always happen to me? I just wanna sleep? And play volleyball? Why?" I walk past my dad as he panics and I just walk into the kitchen and grab a packet of crisps. "Oreki it's uh complicated-"

"Yeah uh we-"-Dad-

"I DON'T CARE- I honestly could not care less I'm fine with the whole gay thing woo lgbtq+ rock whatever okay I'm going out have fun- NOT LIKE THAT DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT IN MY HOUSE!"


"OKAY BYE." I walk out of the house again in a panic and dad sighs as Ukai also sighs and headbutts dads back. "He'll be fine Samuel..."

"I know... I just wished he could of at least found out after he'd gotten settled in at the club."

"I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon. He needs more time then the others to feel comfortable..."

"Tell me about it. He's always been a slow learner. But once he gets something it just clicks and bam, no one else can beat him at it. Or that's how he used to be with volleyball." Samuel sits down and Ukai thinks to himself as he grabs two more bottles of beers. "Let me guess. After his injury he became more meh?"

"Meh doesn't even come close. His mother wouldn't let him anywhere near anything that involved moving faster then walking and that made him even more scared then he needed to be. If she caught him watching a volleyball video who knows what she did- I'm just surprised he's even able to be in the court without running out of it after a few seconds! I mean don't get me wrong I know he's not comfortable int he court anymore but going back to playing after one injury let alone two is hard enough."

"You used to play?"

"Yeah. Oh did I not tell you? I used to be the ace a while back when I lived in Tokyo."

"That's interesting..."

"How so?" Samuel takes the beer and looks at Ukai confused. "He was in a practice game as a spiker just to try something new because he wasn't feeling like being the libero anymore-"

"He's always the libero-!"

"I know but that's not the weird part. He was missing nearly every ball Sugawara sent him. And then when the last ball of the match was sent for Asahi it's like he didn't even hear any of the calling earlier and went for it. Apparently him and Asahi are still apologising to each other in private messages." Ukai chuckles and Samuel thinks to himself. "What you thinking so hard about?"

"Nothing I'm just wondering about stuff. I wonder if the thirst for the ball runs in our blood?" Samuel looks at Ukai with a very serious gaze that just makes Ukai burst into laughter.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now